Cornerstone Free Will Baptist Church TECHNOLOGY STRATEGIC PLAN
MEETING GOALS Review Technology Vision Explain the Technology Evaluation and Results Discuss the Needs Found Understand The Gap(s) and How To Solve Them (Call to Action) Review The Evaluation Plan
TECHNOLOGY VISION Cornerstone Free Will Baptist Church will seek to increase church involvement from members and guests by utilizing advanced but relevant technology.
TECHNOLOGY EVALUATION What technology is currently on hand? How it is being used and how often? What needs are not being met? Interviews with the Steering Committee Member/Guest Surveys Inventory List Service Observation
EVALUATION RESULTS Inventory – Individually 36 Items Found – 1 Computer – 2 TV Screens – Projector / Screen – HP Printer – Computer Software (Microsoft Office and Media Shout) – External CD Burner/Duplicator – CD Player / Recorder – Sound Board and System (mics included)
EVALUATION RESULTS (CONT.) Committee Interviews – Provided Insight On Questions and Feedback Surveys – 67 Collected – 93% Positive Rating / Favor – Average of 9-10 on the scale Observation – 80% utilized the screens – Members and guests were involved – Pastor / Leaders utilized the screens and technology on hand – Senior members had some struggle (strained looks)
NEEDS FOUND Questions Asked – What needs should be present to accomplish the ideal goals and objectives for the worship service? – Do all members and guests have the access needed to be involved in the service? Results – Member Interviews and Observations – 10 Members / 2 Guests Noted Issues Seeing Hymn Books/Bibles – 6 Members / 0 Guests Noted Issues Hearing During the Service – Current Technology Helps But Not Enough – Moral – Feeling like are “not a part” of the service or “just there”
CALL TO ACTION Gap: In Hearing and Seeing for a part of the congregation. Purchase and add an additional screen for the choir area. Purchase assistive hearing technology that connects to the current sound board system.
EVALUATION PLAN Methods – Observations – Progress Charts – Focus Group Questionnaires Evaluations – Mr. Jody Crimm (Leader) – Internal: Steering Committee – External: Local Community Panel – Will occur 1-2 weeks after added; Following 3 Months; Then 6 Months
TIMELINE Date(s)Project Details December 2015 Presentation to the steering committee on the suggested routes for improvement. Also, any final questions will be answered. January 2016The committee selects the starting project (hearing assistive devices) and will assign contact roles once the project has been formally approved. A project timeline will be developed also by the committee to help pace the project and track progress.
February 2016 Formal research on various hearing devices by the technology team (Jody and Russell). The team will present comparisons to determine one product that will best meet the overall needs of members and guests. March 2016 The committee’s selection will be presented for final approval and purchase. The devices will be installed and tested. April 2016The committee will conduct the first evaluation of the hearing assistive devices. The committee will start dividing tasks and project pacing charts for the TV screen for the choir section project.
May 2016 The technology team (Jody and Russell) will select a new TV screen for choir use for the committee to review based upon set criteria. The committee will review and select one to be sent for final approval. June 2016 Upon approval, the screen will be purchased and installed. Third month evaluations will take place on assistive hearing devices. July 2016The first month evaluation of the new screen addition in the worship center.
September 2016 Third month evaluation will occur on the new screen addition. January 2017Evaluation will occur on both the screen and assistive hearing devices this month. A report update will be provide to the church and steering committee. This will be under the direction of the technology team.