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§7.2 估计量的评价标准 上一节我们看到,对于总体 X 的同一个 未知参数,由于采用的估计方法不同,可 能会产生多个不同的估计量.这就提出一 个问题,当总体的一个参数存在不同的估 计量时,究竟采用哪一个好呢?或者说怎 样评价一个估计量的统计性能呢?下面给 出几个常用的评价准则. 一.无偏性.
Practical Business Writing Welcome Lectured by Satine Lee
Presentation transcript:


1. 什么叫报盘? 2. 报盘的前提是什么? 3. 报盘的分类如何 ? 4. 如何拟写报盘信函?

报盘:可以叫发盘或报价( offer/quote, 可以是卖方应买 方的请求给予的报盘,也可以是主动报价。 报盘的主要内容: 商品名称 name of commodity 规格 specification 数量 quantity 质量 quality 价格 price 包装条件 packing 支付条款 terms of payment 交货期限或装运条款 delivery date/shipment terms 实盘 (firm offer): 有确切的有效期,一旦报盘被接受, 报盘人不得撤回。 This offer is subject to your reply reach us within only five days. The offer remain valid until the end of this month. 虚盘 (non-firm offer): 不规定有效期,且有附加条款。 This offer is subject to our final confirmation. back

1. A Non-firm Offer to the New Customer Dear Mr.Brown: We are in receipt of your fax of Sept.11, and appreciate very much your interest in our products. To comply with your request, we are offering you, subject to our final confirmation, the following: 1.Commodity:EAGLE Leather Bag 2.Item No.: Quantity: 500 pcs 500pcs 600 pcs 600 pcs 4. Price:USD15/pc USD15/pc USD13/pc USD12/pc (CIF Chicago) 5. Packing:to be packed in a box of 20 pcs. each.

6. Payment: by 100% irrevocable letter of credit to be opened in our favor payable by draft at sight, to reach the Seller 30 days before shipment and remain valid for negotiation in China 15 days after shipment. 7. Shipment:Three or four weeks after receipt of letter of credit by the first available boat sailing to Chicago direct. 8. Insurance: to be covered by the Seller with 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk.

Please note that we do not have much ready stock on hand. Therefore, it is important that your L/C should be opened in time if our prices meet with your approval so as to enable us to effect early shipment. We are awaiting your early reply.. Sincerely yours, Susan Li Sales Manager

1. offer (v.) 报盘,发盘 offer sb. sth. at the price of… 向某人报 … 的价格 make /send sb. an offer as follows 向某人报盘如下 对比 : quote (v.)--- quotation (n.) 报价 quote sb. ( the price ) for… 向某人报 … 价 = give/make/send sb. a quotation for … 2. be in receipt of = receive (v.) 收到 … 3. appreciate (v.)= be grateful/be obliged to 感激, 感谢 appreciate sth. / appreciate it if 从句 Eg. We will appreciate it if you can send us your catalogue and sample. back

comply with 符合, 与 … 一致, 相符, 依照 in compliance with / as per/ in line with / as / in accordance with / in conformity with(to) subject to 以 … 为有效, 以 … 为条件, 以 … 为准 …subject to our final confirmation … 以我方最后 确认为准 …, subject to goods being unsold …, 以货未出售为 条件 …, subject to change without notice 若有变更, 不另 行通知 This offer is subject to your reply reaching us within 5 days. back

2. A Firm Offer to the Old Customer Hello, Jack. How are you? And thank you for the below . As requested, we are enclosing you our catalog and price list. If you are interested in any of the items, pls let me know asap. Pls not our offer is subject to your reply wihtin only 5 days. Awaiting your reaction, we remain with best regards. Susan Li.

3. A Firm Offer for Cotton Bath Towels to a Buyer. Thank you for your new order, as requested, we are making an offer as below: Packing: to be packed in cartons each containing 5/10 dozen at buyer’s at buyer’s option. Payment: ByT/T ART. NO.DESCRIPTIONCOLORUNIT PRICES(CANS) QUANTITY WT563Cotton bath towels White(020)231,000 Yellow(030)231,000

Shipment: from any Chinese mainland port on or before April 30, 2008 to Vancouver with transshipment at Hongkong. Our offer remains open until 8 Feb,2008. If the above is acceptable, please confirm. Thanks for your kind cooperation.

1. as requested/ as your requested/ at your request/ as per your request / comply with your request 按照要求 2. enclose (v.)/attatch = send sb. herewith 随函附寄 enclosure(n.) = attatchment 附件 3. at buyer’s/ seller’s option 由买 / 卖方选择 4. be in a position to do… / be able to do…/can do… 能够做某事 back

报盘信函的写法 1 、确认收到来函(询盘信)并表示感谢 2 、进行报盘: (offer you the price/make you an offer as follows/quote you the price )并寄送 ( send you herewith/ enclose) 样品等 3 、说明报盘的有效期 (be subject to…/ be valid for…/ remain open until…) 4 、敦促对方接受报价 ( 说明理由) 5 、结束语

Useful sentences structures: 进行报盘: 1 ) At your request/ as requested, we are making you an offer as follows:… 2) To comply with your request, we offering you the following (offer)…. 3) In reply, we are now give you a quotation for … on CIF Chicago basis.

表示实盘的有效期或虚盘: 1. Our offer is valid for only 5 days. 2. This offer is subject to your reply reaching here / your reply received by us before… 3. This offer is subject to our receiving your acceptance within … 4. This offer remains( keeps/ holds )valid (open/ firm/ effective) until… 5. This offer is subject to our final confirmation

催促对方接受报盘(说明理由) 1. The price for … is rising( advancing/strengthen/ strong/ with an upward tendency), so please place an order … 2. Please note that we do not have much ready stock on hand, you should … 3. As there is a large demand for …, please take an action … 4. The market demand for … is brisk and we recommend you to send your order asap. 5. … have a good market, please take all the necessary steps you can do without delay ( 尽快 ). 6. As our stock of the goods are limited, we would advise you to place your order without delay

1.At your request, we are making you an offer as follows:US$295 per carton FOB Shenzhen.Subject to our final confirmation. 2. As requested, we are offering you the followings, subject to your acceptance reaching us not later than August We have the offer ready for you. The offer is valid/firm/effective for 5 days. 4. In reply, we are offering you by fax and sending you our items catalogues by airmail under separate cover. This offer will remain/keep valid/open/firm until the end of this month. (报虚盘) (报实盘)

【业务背景】 出口方中国上海华凤服装进出口公 司收到进口方三月二十五号发来询盘 信后进行报盘,报盘有效期为一个月。 报盘内容如下 : 商品号为 PT3001 和 PT3005 女式花裙 子尺寸规格为大、中、小号各 3000 件, 用纸箱包装每箱装 24 件,价格是每件 USD80 CIF Vancover 价,船期在八 ~ 九月份,支付条款是凭即期汇票支付 的、以卖方为受益人的、保兑的、不 可撤消的信用证。因市场对这种商品 需求量大,敦促对方尽快下订。

【实训要求】 根据所提供的背景资料,以中国上海华凤服 装进出口公司销售部经理张成的身份向拟写 一封报盘信函 。 信函内容包括: 1 、确认收到来函; 2 、按要求进行报盘如下; 3 、说明报盘的有效期; 4 、敦促买方接受报盘; 5 、结束语。

Page 28-3 Complete the sentences into English