National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center SAMS KU Forward Lessons Learned 1 Kevin McPherson NASA GRC Payload Operation Integration Working Group (POIWG) #38
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center 1.Why KU forward for SAMS? 2.What happened when SAMS started moving to implement KU forward? 3.What did we have to do? And still have to do? 4.What is actually needed for any other payload? 5.Summary 2 Outline
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center Like for most payloads, we learned about KU forward at the POIWG The notion of having access to the forward link was straight crazy talk for a payload when SAMS arrive on the ISS in 2001 #WhyTheHellWouldWeLetThemDoThat Consequently, SAMS did not have nor was not looking for KU forward to fill a particular operational need, but… All payloads and the ISS are smashed for crew time so why not SAMS? SAMS Control Unit is an SSC laptop with a custom load and computers occasionally have problems. Computer problems on the ISS typically need crew to restore operations Our typical laptop troubleshooting involves looking over the crew’s shoulder to verify they correctly type in the sometimes cryptic shell command(s) required for troubleshooting Any deviations from the provided crew procedure that result from some unexpected result require some latitude from the CADRE for real time adjustments and troubleshooting can be cut short due to the next crew obligation Why KU forward for SAMS? 3
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center Software updates or operational script changes/additions require additional CADRE resources and PLMDM file transfers Software updates for SAMS are infrequent, but the KU forward path provides a more straightforward mechanism for implementing updates or operational script changes Nothing changes from a software verification perspective, just the method to get the software on board and installed SAMS network troubleshooting SAMS hardware is distributed throughout all 3 labs and network communication is a critical component to nominal operations SAMS network investigation is greatly simplified through a direct ssh session vs. the current script execution, downlink, repeat model currently in play Why KU forward for SAMS? 4
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center 1.Why KU forward for SAMS? 2.What happened when SAMS started moving to implement KU forward? 3.What did we have to do? And still have to do? 4.What is actually needed for any other payload? 5.Summary 5 Outline
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center SAMS initial steps were: Adjust ground data services blank book to reflect the request SAMS has historically worked closest with our ground data services team as an entry point for support items Adjust PIA to reflect the request At COFR time, we requested from the HOSC the EPC version required for KU forward, or EPC version with KU forward menus enabled. This could not happen since we were not approved yet. At this point, we discovered there are many other things that had to happen, but there was no one who had all the things identified or what satisfied some of the things programmatically It has been frustrating trying to run down the list of things and this continues to evolve!! What happened when SAMS started moving to implement KU forward? 6
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center 1.Why KU forward for SAMS? 2.What happened when SAMS started moving to implement KU forward? 3.What did we have to do? And still have to do? 4.What is actually needed for any other payload? 5.Summary 7 Outline
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center The list of things identified by SAMS #NotAsSimpleAsItShouldBe: Update PIA through your PIM Update Ground Data Services Blank Book through the HOSC Submit a PIRN for your payload ICD through your PIM Complete the resulting VERITAS data submittals for the new opened requirements in the ICD Submit a safety assessment or re-flight assessment to the PSRP Complete a test with the JSL, coordinate between the payload and the JSL Possibly use the weekly MSFC Integration Test window Create a new activity for PPM’s to be used to schedule the KU forward operationally Something we missed??? What did we have to do? And still have to do? 8
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center Details for the list of things as identified by SAMS: Update PIA through your PIM STATUS: Signed off on PIA update 7/17/2015 Update Ground Data Services Blank Book through the HOSC STATUS: Complete Submit a PIRN for your payload ICD through your PIM Incorporate requirements from PIRNs against: SSP (PIRN NA-0383A) SSP (PIRN NA-0047) KU Forward requirement added SSP (SSCN #PIRN , Rev A), JSL Requirements 55 requirements were evaluated with the Rev A change STATUS: Complete, PIRN created What did we have to do? And still have to do? 9
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center Details for the list of things as identified by SAMS: Complete the resulting VERITAS data submittals for the new opened requirements in the ICD 22 of 22 VERITAS submittals remain STATUS: In Work Submit a safety assessment or re-flight assessment to the PSRP Per PSE, “all that should be required is a Series and Reflown Equipment Safety Assessment Reporting Sheet (Form 622) and a safety memo” Seems a re-flight assessment is unnecessary. KU forward does not allow SAMS to perform any task that cannot currently be performed; there is no change in the SAMS safety status. VERITAS submittals demonstrate meeting KU forward requirements already. STATUS: Safety memo is complete (SAMS-MEM-109) and Form 622 will be submitted next week What did we have to do? And still have to do? 10
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center Details for the list of things as identified by SAMS: Complete a test with the JSL, coordinate between the payload and the JSL) Possibly use the weekly MSFC Integration Test window Need to consider simple test scheme to verify functionality. For SAMS, needed to add a static route to the network configuration to allow the SAMS control unit to route traffic to the KU forward gateway. Not sure if all implementations would be as straightforward, but KU forward testing with JSL for facility class payloads (i.e., CIR and FIR) could get overly complicated STATUS: Open, although a test with SAMS Control Unit laptop has been unofficially completed with JSL Create a new activity for PPM’s to be used to schedule the KU forward operationally STATUS: Open. Discussion have been started though Something we missed??? What did we have to do? And still have to do? 11
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center 1.Why KU forward for SAMS? 2.What happened when SAMS started moving to implement KU forward? 3.What did we have to do? And still have to do? 4.What is actually needed for any other payload? 5.Summary 12 Outline
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center The following would be helpful for future payloads looking to implement a KU forward capability: A simple flow chart for payloads that describes how to request KU forward and how to get approved for KU forward usage Identify a Point of Contact who understands the complete flow from initial request to implementation. That person does not currently exist for either our own questions or for our PIM to funnel questions to Identify the clear starting point for entire process – Is it a chain reaction or other? What is actually needed for any other payload? 13
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center What is actually needed for any other payload? 14
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center What is actually needed for any other payload? 15
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center 1.Why KU forward for SAMS? 2.What happened when SAMS started moving to implement KU forward? 3.What did we have to do? And still have to do? 4.What is actually needed for any other payload? 5.Summary 16 Outline
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center KU forward and future payload operational improvements are welcome changes to simplify operations Crew time considerations make KU forward and similar ventures highly desirable improvements on many fronts We need to be much better prepared to implement such improvements with simplified processes and simplified requirements SAMS team is slowly uncovering the process but that process is frustrating!! Simplified testing options need to be considered and investigated. The JSL is a highly utilized ground test resource and intelligently developing an acceptable test approach frees the JSL for satisfying the requirements of more complicated test scenarios Summary 17