Підготувала вчитель англійської мови Василенко В.В.
Many years ago, in Ireland, New Year’s Day was on the 1 st of November. It was the day of worship of All Saints – All Saint’s Day or All Hallows’ Day. The 31 st of October, the last day of the year, the day before the holiday, was known as All Hallows’ Eve or Halloween. Now the 31 st of October is not the last day of the year, but Halloween is the holiday loved and celebrated by children in English-speaking countries.
In the evening, on the 31 st of October children put on masks, go from house to house and say, “Trick or Treat?”. Usually people give them sweets, fruit, gums, nuts or money, so they don’t play tricks. But sometimes, if you don’t give anything to them, they put bins in front of your door or throw flour at your windows.
The pumpkin, the black and yellow cats, and witches in the windows are the symbols of Halloween.
Symbols of Halloween:
“Jack-o’-Lantern” is the symbol of Halloween. It is a pumpkin. People put it on the window-sills. They cut eyes, noses and mouths on the pumpkins. People put candles into them. So the pumpkin looks like a face.
Witches are old women dressed in strange clothes who carry the broomsticks on which they can fly.
The Adams Family is a very wicked and horrible family. Its members hate each other and other people too and play different kinds of tricks on them.
Ghosts are souls of dead people who haunt certain places.
That is adults and children’s day Better known as All Saints Day Sing this song together with us And be ready to release from bad spirits at last. The 31 st of October Day All evil spirits go away Jack-o’-Lantern is helping us To make bad spirits run very fast. Halloween Day – the witchiest night We go with spirits to fight All witchy dances and ghost parties Will help to clear our country.