Implementation of reading & writing assignments across curriculum
School Major Concern Enhancement of students’ language proficiency through reading Through reading assignments
Basic Principles: Is NOT an extra task to students / teachers Can be integrated with / blended in subject content / subject-based classroom activities Aims to - help students acquire reading skills - enrich students’ knowledge through different reading materials
Implementation Plan, Success Criteria & Evaluation Method
06-07 To enhance students' language proficiency through the acquisition of basic reading skills across the subjects
Classroom Practices Subject teachers adopt subject-specific sources of different text types (e.g. textbooks, newspapers) as reading materials for students. Subject teachers assign subject-specific reading tasks before lessons, in lessons or after lessons for students. Assign students to look up the meaning of vocabulary in the dictionary. Ask students to keep a vocabulary notebook used for all EMI subjects across the curriculum. English subject teachers will assist in setting up and monitoring the use of the vocabulary book. Subject teachers design subject- specific reading activities / tasks that help students to apply efficient reading strategies and read purposefully.
Assignment Template
Assessment rubrics
Text-Type : Procedural Account Marking scaleExcellent (5 marks) Good ( 3-4 marks) Average (2 marks) Need to improve (0-1 mark) Content knowledge - ideas / points concerned Language features of Procedural Account □ Imperative form of the verb □ Connectives / adverbs expressing sequence □ Connectives / adverbs expressing causes & effect □ Others : ________________ Score of Post-reading Writing Task : C / 5 L /5 Highlight the Use of Language Alleviate teacher’s loading
Resources for Reading & Writing : Newspaper Science magazines Webs
Linguistic Support for Teachers : English colleagues Online resources