UCAP Take 2
The Basics ■What: UCAP = Utah Charter Access Point ■What: Primarily to exchange and store information specific to charters –Documents, such as Charter Agreements, Amendments, etc. –Information, such as board members (including if have background check on file), projections –For SCSB schools, data in CSPS –Communication
The Basics ■Where: ■Who: All charter directors were given access –Username: firstname.lastname – to reset (or in this case set) password (This gives you access) ■Who: Directors then manage access at their school (or delegate mangement)
How: Request from
How: Go to link and set password ■Once in the site, go to “Manage UCAP Users and Settings” ■Add Board Members and any others you want to have access –For board members, make sure to check Background check on file if applicable ■Any that you add, you will need to tell them their username and they will need to set their password just as you did ■When someone leaves, you will need to deactivate their account so they no longer have access ■Who has access at your school is up to your school!