PILR: PRE COLLEGE INFORMATION LITERACY RESEARCH Transforming Pedagogy and Curriculum with Information Literacy
Agenda LSTA Grant Overview What is this project about? Team Introductions Curriculum/Assignment Design Using the Rubrics designed for PILR Sharing Data Deliverables Q & A
LSTA Grant Basics All 34 colleges may participate in: Professional development Continuing assessment of learning outcomes Specific populations (pre-college, “rising junior”) Steering Committee: Myra Van Vactor, Deb Gilchrist, Katy Dichter, Lynn Kanne & Wai-Fong Lee PLUS: Mindy Coslor, Jon Kerr, Maureen Pettitt (PILR)
Other Activities: “Rising Junior” – IL for transfer students Summer ACRL “Immersion Refresher ” Pre-college Information Literacy Research Initiative (PILR)
PILR: Research Question How does/Does information literacy contribute to overall learning and transition for pre- college students? Phase 1 Develop/find methods for integrating IL into pre-college programs Phase 2 Seek evidence to support the hypothesis that IL instruction makes a difference in overall learning and transition for pre-college students
PILR: Basics Each college= 1librarian + 1to 3 faculty Unique assignments & curriculum plans Shared rubric for IL & precollege Shared student-level data
Tips for New Teams Advice from one of your colleagues: Select your partners carefully. “I am having an excellent experience b/c I selected a faculty member who is professional, competent and dedicated, who also has patience and a sense of humor and follow through. These qualities will serve you well in the necessary reporting, etc.” Be realistic Think creatively but also recognize the goals of the project and the parameters it sets. Be flexible …be willing to think outside your box so that INFO LIT goals as well as the learning goals of the instructor can be honored.
PILR: Research Teams Quarter 1 Plan Quarter 2 Implement, Report, Revise Quarter 2 Implement, Report, Revise Quarter 3 Implement, Report, Revise Quarter 3 Implement, Report, Revise Quarter 4 Implement, Report Quarter 4 Implement, Report Winter 2010Lower Columbia, Pierce (FS), South Seattle, Skagit Spring 2010Wenatchee, Lake Wa, Whatcom, Clover Park, Pierce Fall 2010Walla Walla, Columbia Basin, Highline Winter 2011Lower Columbia, Green River, Bellingham Spring 2011Bellevue
Asks students to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge or skills. –Jon Mueller–Jon Mueller Asks students to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge or skills. –Jon Mueller–Jon Mueller PILR: Authentic Assessment Focuses more on what a student can do than on what a student knows Usually includes a task and a rubric for evaluating performance The assessment (assignment, task) is also the vehicle for learning
PILR: Curriculum Planning Template Learning Outcomes: What should the student be able to do? Knowledge base: What does the student need to know to do it well? Activity: How will the student learn? Demonstration of learning: What will the student do to show what they have learned? Criteria: How do you know the student has done this well?
PILR: Integrative Assignments Integrative Learning…connects skills and knowledge from multiple sources and experiences…
Integrative Assignments Focus on targeted knowledge, methods, and/or skills Have a central activity that builds and integrates understanding Integrate naturally with other course assignments so students see research as part of a larger process Consider the most effective collaboration between library faculty and discipline faculty
Integrative Assignments Generative Topics Relevant to students in their roles as community members, workers, and family members Central to one or more disciplines or areas of expertise Accessible through multiple means Connected to other topics taught
Integrative Assignments Assessment Strategies Target learning outcomes Are based on explicit criteria set forth in the rubric Include self, peer, and teacher, as appropriate Offer informative feedback to students Tip: Look over “Assignment & Instruction Plan Reports” – especially the notes sections.
Integrative Assignments Learning Outcomes Focus on key understandings Clear, explicit and shared Address learning challenges Align to standards
PILR Rubric – Define Task 1 - Emerging2345 Identifies elements of the problem or question with a high level of assistance. Identifies the problem or question with minimal assistance and selects from a structured set of topics. Identifies the problem or question independently and generates topic ideas. Identifies the problem or question independently and generates topic ideas and related subtopics. Identifies the problem or question independently and refines in order to develop subtopics; independently adjusts the topic focus to fit the task. Follows a highly structured plan. Follows a minimally structured plan. Develops and follows a basic plan based on provided guidelines.
PILR: Using the Rubrics Review the rubric during assignment design Share rubric (or relevant portion) with students Translate/reword the rubric for your students Share questions with other PILR teams
PILR: Data Collection 1.Student & Faculty Surveys 2.Student Assessment Spreadsheet
PILR: Planning Quarter Deliverables & Deadline Planning Integrated Assignment Template Instruction Plan (use curriculum plan guide) A summary of activities during the quarter Reimbursement Request (one form per college) Implementing Integrated Assignment & Instruction Plan Report Student Assessment Spreadsheets Student Response Survey Faculty Perceptions Survey Deadlines : March 13, 2011 (winter) & June 30, 2011 (spring)
Naming Files What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet…but still… Team ID + Quarter + File name = LCC-A1-Q1-assignmentABE.docx
Information? Most questions answered here here