Statistics and Administrations tools on Springerlink Ilenia Miraglia Academic Licencing
2Title of the Presentation | Date You may use this text box to note where you saved your presentation (Menu „View/Master/Slide Master“). Definition of a Springerlink account and administrator Every institution, every individual person needs to have an account on Springerlink to access subscribed materials. It can be recognized via the given Metapress ID The Metapress ID is an identifier that will be provided after every registration. This is an unique identifier and helps the Springerlink Helpdesk to activate subscribed material or do neccessary IP updates on the correct account. Every Metapress ID is an eight digits number shown as e.g The Metapress can be found on Springerlink under/beside institutional name For institutional accounts an administrational account is required. Administrator has special rights and features. Every administrator needs to have his own personal account with own personal log in that is associated by Helpdesk to the institutional account.
3Title of the Presentation | Date You may use this text box to note where you saved your presentation (Menu „View/Master/Slide Master“). The first entry will show the recognized institution and the corresponding Metapress ID. The following entries show any consortia associations for this institution
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5Title of the Presentation | Date You may use this text box to note where you saved your presentation (Menu „View/Master/Slide Master“). How to use these rights and features on your personal account Go on Through IP recognition the institution will be automatically be recognized Click on Log In and type in your personal administrational details You will then be recognized with your personal account and belonging to the institutional account If you click on your personal name, then on Details you will be able to change your personal details like name or adress if necessary. Any changes need to be confirmed by clicking on the Update button
6Title of the Presentation | Date You may use this text box to note where you saved your presentation (Menu „View/Master/Slide Master“). Rights and features for administrators Administrators are enabled to change or update institutional details if necessary Administrators are enabled to associate additional administrators to the institutional account when necessary Administrators are enabled to download usage for either journals or books For other products (databases - Springer Images, Springer Protocols, Springer Materials) admin functions and statistics aren‘t available on Springerlink – please refer to the admin pages of these databases
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8Title of the Presentation | Date You may use this text box to note where you saved your presentation (Menu „View/Master/Slide Master“).
9Title of the Presentation | Date You may use this text box to note where you saved your presentation (Menu „View/Master/Slide Master“). If you click on „Usage“ you can either choose whetehr ou want to download journal or book usage. As Report Source choose either All publications or Only publications with usage. Choose as well the year and click then on „Generate Report“ button. In short time an Excel file will be available for you (5)
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11Title of the Presentation | Date You may use this text box to note where you saved your presentation (Menu „View/Master/Slide Master“). What to do if administrational password is forgotten? If you are registered as administrator but do no longer remember your password you can easily reset it: Go on and click on „Help“ on the left side Either type in your username or your address. If you enter your address please be sure that you are really registered with the adress you want to enter. If you are not sure about adress or username please contact the Springerlink Helpdesk. We can assist you. Within few seconds you will receive a confirmation from our host Metapress with a reset link When you have clicked on the reset link you will automatically be forwarded to the Springerlink site to enter a new password As soon as new password is confirmed you will be forwarded to the Springerlink start site and be recognized as administrator associated to your institution
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14Title of the Presentation | Date You may use this text box to note where you saved your presentation (Menu „View/Master/Slide Master“). Important contacts and links Springerlink Helpdesk: (Please quote the institutional GRAZIE!