Welcome to Fourth Grade Mr. Bowman, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Valenstein, Mrs. Wike, Mrs. Silver September 11, 2012
Fourth Grade Ground Rules 1.Keep your hands and feet to yourself. 2.Respect everyone. 3.Be a good listener. 4.Raise your hand before speaking. 5.Be honest. 6.Always walk. 7.Be responsible for your learning.
Reading Reading for Literacy Experience Reading to Perform a Task Reading to Be Informed
Writing Writing for Personal Expression Writing to Inform Writing to Persuade Writing to Perform a Task
4 th Grade Math at Sherwood Elementary
Grade 4 Students have been placed in a math class that is appropriate for their learning development. The math team will include only fourth grade teachers.
Homework At the 4 th Grade level, students may be assigned homework Monday through Thursday. Math homework will be determined by the individual teacher. All other subjects are long term. MCPS suggests about an hour of homework a night for 4 th grade students Students who experience difficulty in completing an assignment need to inform their teacher so that the particular concept or topic can be reviewed.
Strive for 25 Students are expected to read 25 books by the end of the year. Understanding will be checked by filling out a book report form. Progress will be monitored on a classroom data board.
Science Mrs. Wike and Mr. Bowman Life Science Environmental System Chemistry Earth Science
Social Studies Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Valenstein Three Units –The Impact of Geography: Three Worlds Collide –How geography influenced the development of cultures –Migration: Three Worlds Collide –Push/ pull of immigration –Citizens in Action Primary /Secondary documents –St. Mary’s colony –Jamestown –Plymouth `
Curriculum Enrichment Experiences 1. Annapolis -October 17, Sandy Spring Museum -March 21, St. Mary’s City -May 17, 2013
What can I do to help my child in school? Be sure your child has a breakfast. Do not send your child to school if they had a fever the night before. Check homework assignment book daily.
We believe in communication. We use the binder for classwork, monthly letters, calendars and many notices from the office. CHECK YOUR CHILD’S BACKPACK DAILY!! Notes from home should be sent via . Money should be in an envelope with the child’s name on the front. Call the office or go to the SES website to report an absence.
We always need your help. 2 Room parents per class will be needed to contact others and help organize our Halloween and Valentine class parties. If we need other volunteers, we will send out an for you to respond to. We would appreciate donations of any used technology items.
Web Resources Montgomery County Public Schools Sherwood Elementary School-Grade level-4 Sherwood Elementary School