Chapter 9 The Progressive Era Section 4 Progressivism under Taft
William Howard Taft 1. Taft is the only US President to also join the Supreme Court. He was Chief Justice, the nation’s tenth, from 1921 to 1930. 2. Taft was just shy of six feet tall. During his presidency his weight peaked at about 340 pounds. After leaving office, he lost 80 pounds. 3. Taft’s weight was always an issue. At Yale his nickname was the “Big Lub,” but he was also an accomplished wrestler. 4. He once got stuck in a White House bathtub and had to be pulled out by staff. 5. Two states were admitted to the Union during his presidency: New Mexico and Arizona. 6. He is the first President, and the only President other than JFK, to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. 7. When Taft lost the presidency to Woodrow Wilson in 1912, it was the worst defeat suffered by an incumbent President. He got only eight electoral votes. 8. In 1900 President McKinley appointed Taft to the governorship of the Philippines.
I. Taft Becomes President Taft Stumbles: 1908, Republican William Howard Taft wins with Roosevelt’s support Has cautiously progressive agenda; gets little credit for successes
The Payne-Aldrich Tariff: Taft signs Payne-Aldrich Tariff— moderate tariffs Progressives angry, think he abandoned low tariffs, progressivism
Disputing Public Lands: Conservationists angry Richard A. Ballinger named Secretary of Interior Ballinger puts reserved lands in public domain Gifford Pinchot head of U.S. Forest Service testifies against Ballinger is fired by Taft
II. Republican Party Splits Problems with the Party: Republicans split over Taft’s support of House Speaker Joseph Cannon Cannon weakens progressive agenda; progressives ally with Democrats 1910 midterm elections, Democrats get control of House
The Bull Moose Party: 1912 Election: Conservative Republicans nominate Taft to be the Republican candidate (over Roosevelt) Progressives form the Bull Moose Party (Roosevelt nominated) Democrats selects Woodrow Wilson (NJ Governor) Socialist Party selects Eugene V. Debs
The candidates of 1912: Eugene V. Debs (Socialist Party), E. W The candidates of 1912: Eugene V. Debs (Socialist Party), E. W. Chafin (Prohibition Party), Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive Party), William H. Taft (Republican), Woodrow Wilson (Democrat). Miss Columbia hands out the presidency
III. Democrats Win in 1912 The Election: Wilson endorses progressive platform called the New Freedom (wants stronger antitrust laws, banking reform, lower tariffs - calls all monopolies evil)
Roosevelt wants oversight of big business; not all monopolies bad Socialist Party candidate Eugene V. Debs wants to end capitalism Wilson wins great electoral victory; gets majority in Congress