OBJECTIVE: Students will review their first semester progress in acquiring the required credits for graduation and write goals for improvement and/or enrichment.
ARE YOU ON TRACK? 22 credits are required for graduation. Credit is awarded by semester at.5 credits per class. As of today, you should have earned : ½ credit of English ½ credit of Integrated Science or Honors Biology ½ credit of Algebra or Honors Geometry ½ credit of World History ½ a credit of healthy living ½ credit of an elective If you failed a course, you do not earn credit and you will need to make up the class.
CHECKING MY PROGRESS Take out a piece of paper. Look at your grades for Semester 1. Answer the following questions. What were your final grades? English/Honors English _______ Algebra I/Honors Geomery _______ World History/Honors World History _______ Integrated Science/Honors Biology _______ Healthy Living _______ Elective /Algebra Support/Reading Plus ________ Are you satisfied with your grades? Yes or No Did you receive credit for semester 1 for each one of your classes? (If you earned an F, you did not receive credit. If you are in Honors and you earned a D, you received credit but not honors credit.) If you did not receive credit, what will you have to do? (If you passed, skip this question.)
SETTING GOALS Log into your AZCIS account Enter your username and password username-matric number+z Ex z password-Enter your password. If you have forgotten your password, click on forgot password to answer your security questions. If you cannot log in, let your teacher know so that she can reset your password.
AZCIS PAGE Click on MY ECAP Click on MY Career Plan
WRITING SMART GOALS Goals must follow these rules: Goals Must Be: Specific-Is the goal well defined? Measurable-Can you measure if you have achieved it? Achievable-Is it reasonable to accomplish this goal? Relevant-Is the goal linked to the rest of your life? Time-based-Does you goal specify the time needed? Write goals in complete sentences!
PERSONAL GOALS My personal goal (Be sure to include your target ate for meeting your goal, and the date you plan to start working on your goal) Example: I would like to lose 10 pounds by the last day of March. I will start running one mile each day today. Click on Insert today’s date Click on SAVE
ACADEMIC GOALS Write an academic goal. Example: I will improve my Algebra grade from a D to a B by the end of the first quarter. I will start working on my goal today. Click on Insert today’s date Click on SAVE
CAREER GOALS Write a career goal. You do not have to know what you want to be when you grow up. You can write something like, “I want to explore different computer careers.” Examples: I want to graduate from high school. After high school, I want to study (list major or educational/training program that interests you) I want to pick an academy to prepare me to work as a …teacher, probation officer, etc… Click on Insert today’s date Click on SAVE
IMPROVEMENT AND ENRICHMENT GOALS Looking back at your progress from last semester and your goals: Are there any areas that need improvement? If I earned F’s, what will I do to improve? My goal is to go to a university, did I earn any D’s? What will I do this semester to do better? What will I do to make up these D’s or F’s? If you did well: Are there any areas for enrichment?
IMPROVEMENT PLAN On the box labeled, “What are your plans for improvement and enrichment this year ?” Write a statement that includes the following information: Area that I need to improve- Subject Area (Example: Algebra I) Improvement Plan-(Example: I will attend tutoring twice a week. Refer to Interventions page on next slide) Target date-(Example: October 8, 2014) Refer to possible Improvement Plans on next slide
POSSIBLE INTERVENTIONS Interventions for Improvement: Set up tutoring schedule with my teachers. Attend the weekend Academy to make up an F or D earned in Algebra I or Geometry. Attend summer school Complete all my homework Make up work when I am absent Attend school regularly Study-Improve my study skills Plan my days better-use my agenda to keep track of homework, keep up on my notes, set up a time when I can meet up with friends or the use of media, set a time to do homework/study
INTERVENTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT Interventions for Enrichment: Join a club, sport or organization Set up community service event. Apply for a volunteer opportunity. Run for a position as an officer Attend a summer program Get involved in church
WRITING AN IMPROVEMENT GOAL AND PLAN Write an improvement plan in the Improvement/Enrichment Goal Box Examples: I plan to join the Glee Club at school. I also plan to meet with my integrated science teacher twice a week after school to review my homework questions. The area I need to improve is math-algebra I. I received an F the first semester. My improvement goal is earn a C by the end of the first quarter. To accomplish this goal, I plan to attend tutoring twice a week, complete all my homework, attend school regularly and make up any work I miss if I am absent. To make up the F, I will attend the weekend academy this semester. Click on Insert today’s date Click on SAVE