Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics (30th meeting, 25–26 June2009) Implementation of the recommendations of the 29th PAC meeting (26–27 January 2009) V. Kantser 105th session of the JINR Scientific Council Dubna,19–20 February 2009
PAC REPORT AT THE JINR Scientific Council Session ALL PAC Recommendations of 29th PAC meeting (26–27 January 2009) have been included in the PAC report at the 105th session of the JINR Scientific Council (Dubna,19–20 February 2009) Thus a lot of the Recommendations have been invlude in the JINR Scientific Council Resolution Recommendations addressed to the JINR Administration have been transmited in the JINR Directorate
Main tasks of 2009 Status of modernization of the IBR-2 reactor Main tasks of Mounting of the IBR-2M vessel was completed in first quarter. All welding operations for the vessel and sodium collectors are successfully performed. 2.Installation of the movable reflector (MR-3) at the working place must be finished up to the end of June. 3.Installation of the executive mechanisms of the automatic safety and control system (ASCS), assembling of ASCS’ cabinets and the control panel at the main control room as well as electronic equipment at the reserve control room are realized in accordance with the schedule. 4.Installation of cold trap of liquid Na is completed. 5.Installation of the vessel rotating plugs. 6.Installation of demountable rail tracks (DRT) and water moderators on trolleys of the rolling shieldings. 7.Filling of circuits with liquid Na. 8.Manufacturing and installation of an additional storage facility for the IBR-2 used fuel. 9.Installation of KGU and cryogenic pipelines. 10.Construction of a stand for testing transportation of mesitylene balls. As 2009 is the last year before the reactor start-up, the PAC emphasizes that timely and full financing of the work according to the schedule is of crucial importance for the successful completion of the reactor modernization and expects that comprehensive support of the modernization programme by the FLNP and JINR directorates will be continued.
Status of modernization of the IBR-2 reactor Installation of new equipment - New reactor vessel The PAC supports the reported plan concerning the technical work and the financing for The PAC considers necessary to actively continue the FLNP work on the stage-by-stage realization of the project of cryogenic moderators. 1.New reactor vessel was delivered to JINR on Mounting of the IBR-2M vessel was completed in first quarter. All welding operations for the vessel and sodium collectors are successfully performed. Installation of the vessel at working place
Status of modernization of the IBR-2 reactor Cryogenic moderators complex and others The PAC supports the reported plan concerning the technical work and the financing for The PAC considers it necessary to actively continue the FLNP work on the stage- by-stage realization of the project of cryogenic moderators. In the report of drs V.Ananiev and A.Vinogradov, an more extended information on a course of the reactor modernization for the last period and on financing of the project is given. The performed work and main goals should be executed in 2009 are
Status of the spectrometer complex of IBR-2M The PAC considers it necessary to elaborate the plan of modernization and updating of the complex of spectrometer facilities, regarding this as the second important stage in the many years’ activities of the modernization of IBR-2M-based equipments for modern condensed matter physics neutron investigations. The PAC recommends to use as the basis of the plan the first priorities in the development of spectrometers for the IBR-2M reactor –– DN-6, GRAINS, SKAT/EPSILON, which were approved at the PAC previous meeting in June Diffraction (6): HRFD, DN-2, SKAT, EPSILON, FSD, DN-6 SANS (2): YuMO, SANS-C Reflectometry (3): REMUR, REFLEX, GRAINS Inelastic scattering (2): NERA, DIN 13 spectrometers (3 new)
New science after Modern material science - nanostructures (catalysts, multilayers, porous materials, …), - materials for energy (electrochemistry, hydrogen, …), - biomaterials, polymers (soft-matter), - new constructive materials for atomic energy, - geological problems (earthquakes, waste deposit, …), … 2.Modern fundamental physics - complex magnetic oxides with strong correlations, - low-dimensional magnetism, - phase coexistence in crystals, …
Upgrade Planning of the Spectrometers Complex for IBR-2М In the framework of the strategic 7 year plan for development of JINR in the field of condensed matter physics, two stages for the upgrade of the spectrometer complex of IBR-2M are planned. In the first, short term stage of three years the efforts will be concentrated on the realization of the first priority projects – DN-6, GRAINS and SKAT/EPSILON. Another important task will be to prepare the available spectrometers for operation after re-start of IBR-2M in the end of In the long term prospective of seven years, following the realization of the first priority projects, the completion of the FSD project and modernization of the available spectrometers – REMUR, YuMO, REFLEX, DN-2, HRFD, NERA-PR, DIN-2PI, focused on improvements of their technical parameters and experimental conditions will be performed. More detailed information in the Report of D. Kozlenko
Realized projects Projects with external support SCAT EPSILON GRAINS HRFD FSD DN-6 YuMO / SANS-C Priorities for 2008Priorities for Strategical necessity Projects without clear financial perspective REMUR, NERA, DIN, SESANS, SANS-P, DN-2, RTS
YuMO instrument Short description of the present status of YuMO - The YuMO comprises two detector system with a unique 2D position sensitive detector (positional resolution is equal to 2.5 mm and the size of sensitive part is 580x580 mm2); -The YuMO is the instruments with high speed of data acquisition (due to high flux as well as two detector system); -Software for data acquisition and data treatment is user friendly; -Experiments can be done by remote control; -The instrument is well automated (there are more than 25 motors of the instrument which are computer controlled). Main features of the adapted instrument will be as follows: - high flux (without cold moderator, but with comb-like moderator); - wider q-range (due to two-detector system); - absolute scale (due to vanadium standards in front of detectors) - high resolution (unique for the SANS instruments);
YuMO instrument Main developments of instrument will comprise: - Two 2D PSD detector system (will increase the efficiency of neutron detection and resolution); - Reduction of the background; -Increasing the q-range to large q (up to 1Å-1). Near future tasks: -Install recently worked out new the 2D position sensitive detector (PSD) system in user operation mode at the YuMO; -Develop second 2D PSD with a central hole and the install the two-PSD detector system at the instrument; - Modify front end of the detector vacuum tube (to extend available range of the scattering vector Qmax. and Qmin); - Adapt sample environment to studies of anisotropic objects; -Develop software for data treatment at the YuMO with two 2D PSD system. More detailed information in the Report of A. Kuklin
Status of the DN-6, High Intensity Diffractometer for Studies of Microsamples The development of DN-6 diffractometer for neutron scattering investigations of microsamples under extreme conditions (high pressures, low and high temperatures) follows the idea of the transfer of the DN-12 spectrometer to the beamline 6B of IBR-2 pulsed reactor with much higher neutron flux and cold moderator. DN-6 will combine the several times higher neutron flux of 6B beamline situated at a cold moderator, mirror curved neutron guide and new PSD detector system with a much larger solid angle in comparison with DN-12. An increase of the neutron counting rate in about 30 times is expected at the DN-6 in comparison with DN-12. The progress in the realization of the DN-6 diffractometer will be described D. Kozlenko.
Diffractometers EPSILON-MDS and SKAT The PAC has been informed on the modernization of the former beam line 7A at the IBR-2M for the diffractometers EPSILON-MDS and SKAT. The presented information attested the progress of the work as scheduled. The PAC is aware that the project is under the common financing of BMBF (Germany) and FLNP. The PAC expects that future financing will guarantee the successful completion of the instrument. Methods advantages EPSILON-MDS: - in-situ applied strain - residual strain distribution - surface strain - acoustic emission during deformation processes SKAT: - bulk texture determination - in-situ texture changes - deconvolution of deformation history
General Guidelines of the User Policy for the Spectrometers Complex of IBR-2М Reactor The PAC consider that the IBR-2M reactor will be the most powerful neutron source in the JINR Member States and therefore the user programme will remain an important part of the FLNP activity. The realization of the user pogramme in future will require an increase of the international cooperation budget of the FLNP relevant scientific themes of FLNP after the IBR-2M start-up, which was decreased gradually in the last years due to IBR-2 shut-down. It is essential for the realization of the user programme that the spectrometer complex should be made operational before the start-up of IBR-2M.
SEVEN-YEAR PLAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF JINR 2010–2016 Condensed Matter Researches
Plan for of FLNP Main FLNP planed activities: Operation at design parameters of the reactor. Research of the IBR-2M’ characteristics. Realisation of the full-scale cryogenic complex. Purchase and installation of a new refrigerator for moderator serving beams 4,5,6. Creation of new movable reflector (MR-4). Development of projects for renewal of the reactor equipment (air-sodium heat exchangers, electromagnetic pumps, etc.). Development of a concept for the IBR-2M operation after The PAC supports the general lines of the seven-year programme for the development of condensed matter studies at the FLNP. The FLNP staff should concentrate efforts on the start-up of the complex of cryogenic moderators and on the development of modern spectrometers on their basis, and on the identification of new research areas compatible with new IBR-2M facilities.
Condensed Matter Physics at IBR-2M in Priority directions of research I. Nanosystems and Nanotechnologies -proximity effects in S/F nanostructures -magnetization distribution in nanostructures -structural characteristics of new polymers II. Biomedical Research -nanostructure of model lipid membrane -diffusion process of pharmaceutical solvents -characteristics of biological lipid macromolecules III. Novel Materials -structure and physical properties in complex magnetic transition metal oxides -structure of nanocomposite magnetic semiconductors -phase diagrams and crystal structures of various phases of organic ferroelectrics IV. Engineering Diagnostics. Earth Sciences - residual stresses in bulk materials, details of machines - structural instability conditions of rock materials Funding requirement th. $
Plan for of FLNR The PAC recognizes the quality of the proposed research activities of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions in the areas of condensed matter physics and nanomaterials Main Directions:
Plan for of FLNR (Some Details)
Plan for of LRB The PAC appreciates the scientific novelty and relevance to the general objectives of JINR of the conceptual proposals of the L RB. The PAC stresses the significance of the radiobiological investigations conducted at LRB and supports the main directions of the long-term programme for the radiobiological and radiation studies at the LRB. Main fields of research: Research into the mechanisms of the genetic action of accelerated multi-charge ions and neutrons with different energies. Study of the action of heavy particles and neutrons on the eye's lens and retina. Research into the regularities of the biological action of accelerated heavy ions on the central nervous system. Mathematical modelling of biophysical systems. Radiation research.
Plan for of LRB (Some Details) A.Radiation genetics: - regularities and mechanisms of the DNA lesion formation and reparation - heavy ion action on the human cell chromosome apparatus - mutagenic action of ionizing radiation on low eukaryotes and mammalian cells B. Photoradiobiology - cataract induction by accelerated heavy ions -reparation of breaks of DNA and absence of apoptosis in the - irradiated retina of mice C. Regularities of the damaging action of accelerated heavy ions on the CNS D. Mathematical modelling of biological systems - visual pigment rhodopsin during the physiological regeneration by the molecular dynamics methods - mutation process in pro- and eukaryotic cells induced by radiation
Plan for of BLTP The PAC supports the plan of theoretical investigations at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, which includes studies of physical properties of complex materials such as layered copper oxides, oxides of transition metals, geometrically frustrated anti-ferromagnetic materials and nanostructires: fullerens, nanotubes and dendrimers. Main fields of research Physical properties of complex materials and nanostructures Mathematical problems of many-particle systems
Plan for of BLTP (Some Details) Physical properties of complex materials -Layered copper oxides -Oxides of transition metals, manganites -Geometrically frustrated antiferromagnetics - Fullerene clusters, tubes and lattices. - Dendrimers (repeatedly branched polymers). Nanostructures Carbon nanostructures (fullerenes, nanotubes, nanoconuses) Layered structures (Bi 2 Sr 2 Ca n Cu n+1 O 2n+6-d )Bi Sr Ca Cu O Graphene
Plan for of UC The PAC supports the seven-year plan of the University Centre, aimed at a considerable increase of the number of students from JINR Member States, in addition to students from the Russian Federation Main directions of planed activities: Students, JINR-based departments JINR postgraduate programmes International education actions Secondary-school oriented activity Student laboratory infrastructure Technical staff retraining
Scientific reports and presentations The PAC outlines high level of scientific reports presented at PAC meeting and recommends to continue this practice in the future. The PAC was impressed by the poster presentations by LRB young scientists in the various aspects of radiation biology and recommends these materials for presentation on the web-portal of JINR. The PAC propose in the future to disseminate the poster presentations of young scientists before the PAC meeting. Such information before the current meeting has been presented on the site: 3 Scientific reports will be presented at the current PAC meeting by М. Belushkin, М. Loguinova,R. Vasin and Gh. Adam, S. Adam.
Scientific meetings The PAC heard with high interest the information about the Advanced Courses for CIS countries “Synchrotron and Neutron Studies of Nanosystems” (SYN-nano) (7– 26 July 2008, Moscow–Dubna), presented by M. Avdeev, and about XX International Workshop on Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter Investigations (NSCMI–2008) (13–19 October 2008, Gatchina), presented by A. Balagurov. The PAC recommends the regular holding, once a year, courses or schools on nuclear physics aspects of nanotechnology with representation from all the JINR Member States. In the period June 22 – July 10, 2009 a new edition of the Advanced Courses for CIS countries “Synchrotron and Neutron Studies of Nanosystems” has been organized. At July 1-2 in Dubna will be held the Forum “The Establishment of the International Innovative Centre of CIS countries.
Thank you for your attention !