Michigan By: Kelsea Ringleka
Michigan symbols The apple blossom is our state flower.
Michigan At one time, Glaciers covered Michigan.
Michigan Michigan is made of two peninsulas. One is the upper peninsula and one is the lower peninsula. A peninsula is land with water on three sides.
Michigan’s Native Americans Native Americans lived in wigwams.
Fur Traders Fur traders came to America to trade.
Michigan’s Native Americans Native Americans can not make things that are metal. They had to trade.This is a pinch pot.
Native American artifacts Native American’s have a lot of artifacts.We saw a lot of these at the Ziibiwing Center.
Fur trapping The picture is in late fall. Late fall trapping!
Detroit De’troit is a narrow place between two lakes.
Native American chief This picture is of chief Pontiac. He was a great chief.