PHYSICAL BARRIERS TO CHINA China’s has 4 physical barriers; these used to limit their contact with the outside world. CHINA’S 4 PHYSICAL BARRIERS: 1. 2. 3. 4.
RIVERS China’s rivers are important to the economy b/c they provide: crop irrigation, hydroelectric power, & transportation. ________________________________________________ Located in Northern China; starts in Kunlan Mountains 3,000 miles Empties into Yellow Sea Gets name from yellow silt that river carries, called ____________ AKA: “China’s Sorrow” b/c of terrible floods it causes
RIVERS 2. __________________________________ ____: Longest river in Asia; 3,900 miles; Name means “long river” Runs from Tibet to East Asia Major trade route Floods frequently 3. ____________________________: Starts in Southeast Asia & joins Pearl River– empties into South China Sea Joins w/ 3 other rivers to form an estuary b/t Hong Kong & Macao Define Estuary: Where river’s current meets the ocean’s tides. Important mineral resources located in river’s valley
MOUNTAIN RANGES Mountain ranges in East Asia limited contact b/t people in China & other parts of Asia. 2 Mountain Ranges in East Asia: __________________________: located in West China __________________________: divide north part of China from south.
GOBI DESERT One of largest in the world Stretches from northwest China into Mongolia 500,000 square miles
PENINSULAS Peninsulas create ___________________________________ ________________________________________ Peninsulas in East Asia: Shandong Peninsula Leizhou Peninsula Macao Peninsula Korean Peninsula
ISLANDS Islands in East Asia: ___________________ ____________________: originally part of China; ________________________ __________________; In 1997 came under authority of mainland China again. 3. _______________________________ ____________________________________: @ one time belonged to mainland China; China still claims it.
LAND IN EAST ASIA Why is China’s population concentrated in the east? B/c _______________________________________________________ Amount of land available for agriculture is limited in China b/c of number of mountain there China’s __________________________________________________ ____________________where the basins are located– land in valleys is highly productive.
REGIONS IN CHINA HEARTLAND: _________________________________________________ North Region South Region OUTLYING REGIONS: 3. Northeast (Manchuria) 4. Mongolia 5. Xinjiang 6. Xizang (Tibet)
MINERAL & ENERGY RESOURCES China: Mineral Resources: Iron ore, tungsten, manganese, magnesite, lead, zinc, & copper Energy Resources: Petroleum, coal, & natural gas Korea: Korea’s Mineral Resources: Tungsten, gold, & silver Energy Resources: Coal Reserves Japan: Mineral Resources: Reserves of Lead, silver, & coal Energy Resources: Coal
THE THREE GORGES DAM Dam Being Built To: ___________________________________ *See your other handout on the dam for additional information on the costs & benefits of the Three Gorges Dam.
HUMAN CHARACTERISTICS POPULATION OF CHINA: In 2012= ________________________________________ PEOPLE: 95% of Chinese people are HAN, or ___________________________ LANGUAGE: Dialect: __________________________________________________ Official language of China is _____________________________