What’s New in Autism Review of Terms Least Restrictive Environment Universal Design for Learning Assistive Technology Tiered Planning Activity Consultation Time OBJECTIVES:
You will hopefully walk away: Feeling challenged! Feeling inspired in your role to work with students with autism. With a few practical resources. Advice for specific problems (if needed). TODAY’S REAL OBJECTIVES
DSM V Update 27 evidence-based practices identified for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders. Julia on Sesame Street WHAT’S NEW
First Challenge: Reframe your understanding of LRE. least_restrictive_environment_video LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT
Challenge Two: Reframe your approach to lesson planning. What is UDL What is UDL UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNING
Challenge Three: Reframe your thoughts on AT resources. free downloads of customized activities, templates, communication visual supports and public domain accessible books free accessible books in a variety of interfaces website to create, share or read a digital book ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY
Challenge Four: Watch this video without feeling at least a spark of emotion ;) SquirrelsThe Squirrels BRING IT ALL TOGETHER: LRE, UDL, AT
View Example Practice in partners Share with Group ALL GOOD PRESENTERS OFFER A HANDS ON ACTIVITY ……
List: Topic/Content Standard Task Analysis/Learning Progression Most Support /Some Support / Least Support YOUR WORK:
Do you have a current concern/specific case to brainstorm with the group? Are you in need of a specific resource? Was something offered today inspiring to your work in the classroom? What else do you need? GROUP DISCUSSION
Please feel free to any questions or needs!! THANK YOU!