Comp à irteachas Planadh Coimhearsnachd 12/09/2012 Community Planning Partnership Am Plana Cànain Nàiseanta Gàidhlig The National Gaelic Language Plan Fàs is Feabhas - Growth and Improvement
Puingean cudromach Tha e mar dhleastanas air Bòrd na Gàidhlig Plana Cànain Nàiseanta Gàidhlig ullachadh - Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005 Chan e am Plana aig Bòrd na Gàidhlig a-mhàin a th’ ann – Plana airson Alba gu lèir A’ stiùireadh ghnìomhan am measg bhuidhnean fad is farsaing Important points The Bòrd has responsibility to produce the National Gaelic Language Plan -Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 It is not solely Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s Plan – a Plan for the whole of Scotland Providing guidance to inform actions across a range of organisations
Prìomh Thargaid Stad a chur air crìonadh …àrdachadh an àireamh luchd-labhairt ùra… gach bliadhna chun aon ìre sa thathar a’ call den luchd- labhairt as sine gu 2017 P1 FTG 400 gu 800+ L.I. Inbhich 2000 gu 3000 Headline Target To attain stability in the number of Gaelic speakers, by raising the rate at which new Gaelic speakers are created to ‘replacement level’ to 2017 P1 GME 400 to 800+ Adult Ls to 3000
Sia raointean leasachaidh Dachaigh agus Trath- Bhliadhnaichean Foghlam: Sgoiltean agus Tidsearan; Seach-sgoile Coimhearsnachdan Àite-obrach Na h-Ealain, Meadhanan Dualchas agus Turasachd Planadh Corpais Six development areas Home and Early Years Education: Schools and Teachers; Post -school Communities Workplace Arts, Media and Heritage and Tourism Corpus Planning
Summary of Outcomes Home and Early Years An increase in the acquisition and use of Gaelic by young people in the home and increased numbers of children entering Gaelic medium early years education Education (Schools and Teachers) An increase in the number of children enrolling in Gaelic medium education (GME), doubling the current annual intake to 800 by 2017 A year on year increase in the number of pupils engaged in Gaelic-learner education (GLE) in both primary and secondary schools An expansion in the availability of Gaelic medium subjects in secondary schools
Summary of Outcomes Education (Post-School Education) An increase in the number of adults acquiring Gaelic from the current total of around 2,000 to 3,000 by 2017 and enhanced language skills among fluent Gaelic speakers Communities More opportunities for communities and networks of Gaelic speakers of all kinds to use Gaelic and increased use of the language in community activities and services Workplace Expansion of the use of Gaelic in places of work and an increase in employment opportunities where Gaelic skills are required in order to enable service delivery in the language
Summary of Outcomes Arts and Media, Heritage and Tourism Development of Gaelic arts and media as a means of promoting the language, attracting people to it and enhancing their commitment through opportunities to learn, use and develop Gaelic An increased profile for Gaelic in the heritage and tourism sectors and increased use of Gaelic in the interpretation of Scotland’s history and culture Corpus Co-ordination of the initiatives of parties active in Gaelic language corpus development to achieve enhanced strength, relevance, consistency and visibility of the Gaelic language in Scotland
Link to All Local + (9/16 National) Outcomes Home and Early Years, Education, Corpus 3 (5) Our children have the best chance in life and are ready to succeed. 3 (4) Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. 3 (3) We are better educated, more skilled and more successful, renowned for our research and innovation.
Link to Local (National) Outcomes Communities, Workplace 5 (11) We have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others (2) We realise our full economic potential with more and better employment opportunities for our people. 4 (6) We live longer, healthier lives.
Link to Local (National) Outcomes Arts and Media, Heritage and Tourism 6 (13) We take a pride in a strong, fair and inclusive national identity. THE Whole Plan 7 (16) Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people’s needs. 4 (7) We have tackled the significant inequalities in Scottish society. inequalities
Benefits of Bi-lingualism - Lauchlan et al 2012 The results highlighted that the bilingual children (who speak Italian and Sardinian or English and Gaelic) scored significantly higher than the monolingual children (who spoke Italian only or English only) in two of the four cognitive ability sub-tests (Block Design and Vocabulary). Indeed, the Scottish bilingual children scored highest of the four groups in three of the four sub-tests (in all but Digit Span) and post hoc multiple comparisons revealed that they significantly outperformed the other groups in these three sub-tests (aside from the Blocks sub-test where they significantly outperformed the two monolingual groups but not the Sardinian bilinguals).
Planning for Growth and Quality Priority should be given to ensuring that initial education and continuing professional development is of the highest quality. (HMIE) Capital, resources and workforce planning Home, school and community partnership Inter, and intra, agency collaboration
Roinnean Planaidh Cànain Togail Cleachdadh Inbhe Corpas Plana, Poileasaidh, Aonta Buil Shingilte Gniomh Language Planning Categories Acquisition Usage Status Corpus Plan, Policy, Single Outcome Agreement Action
An Deireadh The End The Bòrd will also encourage the inclusion of this strategy in Single Outcome Agreements and ensure its inclusion in the Gaelic Language Plans of appropriate authorities. Tapadh Leibh! Thank You!