Grammar 2 The Second Semester Question 1 & 2 pp Presented by Dr. Mohamed Sha’at
Objectives of the Session Students are expected to: -Form different types of questions. -Complete sentences with correct tag questions. -Write correct indirect questions.
Types of Questions There are two main types of questions: 1- Yes/No questions: This type is formed with an auxiliary verb + a subject + a main verb. |{do / be / have} 1- Do you live in Gaza? 2- Does she speak English? 3- Did they clean the room? 4- Are they good swimmers? 5- Have you ever seen an elephant? Invite students to read the examples p. 106.
2- Wh-questions: To form this type of questions we use question words such as: what, where, when who …etc. A question word + an auxiliary + a subject + a main verb 1- What is your teacher doing? 2- When do you usually get up? 3- Where does that girl live? 4- What were you doing when the accident happened? 5- If you were in my position, what would you do? Invite students to read the other example p. 106.
Asking about the subject of the sentence: When we ask about the subject of the sentence we do not use an auxiliary. 1- Who wrote that story? Ali wrote that story. 2- Who met you at the airport? Ali met me at the airport. Who did you meet in Egypt? I met my best Friend Ahmed. 3- Who eat seafood? Cats eat seafood. What do cats eat? Cats eat seafood.
Note the following: 1- A positive question could have a yes or no answer. Does she love you? Yes, she does. / No, she does not. 2- When the answer is expected to be “no”, negative questions are used. a- Don’t you speak Italian? Actually, I don’t speak Italian. b- Do you speak Italian? No, I don’t. Which question is more polite, a or b? 3- We repeat the auxiliary in the answer to make a short answer. Do you like fish? Yes, I do. Did she see you? Yes, she did. Invite Ss. to do the activity p. 108
Tag Questions What is a tag question? A tag question is a short phrase at the end of a statement that turns it into a question. How is a tag question formed? It is formed using auxiliaries do, have, be or a modal. Note: A positive statement has a negative tag and a negative statement has a positive tag. You speak French, don’t you? You don’t speak French, do you? Invite students to read examples p. 109.
Negative Tags When we use a negative tag we expect the answer will be ‘yes’. You live in Khan Younis, don’t you? Yes, that’s right, I do. Positive Tags When we use a positive tag, we expect the answer will be ‘no’. You don’t live in Khan Younis, do you? No, sorry, I don’t. Note that the intonation of the tag question rises when the speaker is not sure and needs information, but the intonation falls when the speaker just wants to check or confirm his opinion.
Consider the following tag questions: 1- I am a fool, aren’t I? 2- After an imperative use will or won’t. Sit down, will you? Sit down, won’t you? Be quiet, will you? Be quirt, won’t you? Have a seat, won’t you? Indirect Questions: This type of questions begin with a short phrase like: Could I ……..? Do you know ………….? The word order of an indirect question is like a statement, not like a direct question.
Now its your turn to do the different exercises pp A direct QuestionAn indirect Question Where does he live?Could you tell me where he lives? When did he leave?Do you know when he left? Is this the right street?Can you tell me if this is the right street? Does he speak English?Do you know if he speaks English? Where are the children?Could you tell me where the children are?
Polling How can you grade this meeting? A = excellent, B = very good, C = good or D = fair.
Dr. Mohammed Sha’at