Institutionalization of HDM-4 Procedures and Systems Henry Kerali Lead Transport Specialist The World Bank
Vision and Aims for HDM-4 HDM is for decision-support tool; not decision- making Institutionalization process should ensure that outcome is: –sustainable, affordable, appropriate Implementation should achieve: –Independence from external support –System is mainstreamed into regular road management practice
Users & Customers Policy level –Economic Development/Planning Departments; Finance/Treasury/Budget Ministries; IFIs; Dir-General Highways/Infra; Road Fund Board; Transport Planning & Road Management Units Network planning –Director-Gen, Road Board Exec Director, Dept. Treasury/Budget; Dir. Planning, Regional Operations Dir., Road or Pavement Mgt Unit, Road Authority Program Div. Project level –Dir. Planning, Dir. Technical/Design, Feasibility Unit, RMU-PMU-PIU
DataCollection Database DecisionSupport ManagementInformation Inventory Condition Structures Traffic Furniture Unit Costs Standards RDBMS (RIMS) Life Cycle Analysis (HDM-4) Standard & Custom Reports Road Management Systems
Decision Support System Important to have transparency of analysis Life cycle analysis capable of: –Short, Medium & Long term analyses –What-if analysis, Performance indicators Management must understand analysis framework Availability of local technical expertise Default data sets HDM-4
Implementation Options New RMS built around HDM-4 Interface existing RMS or database with HDM-4 Incorporate parts of HDM-4 into local RMS or generic RMS (usually VOC, RDWE) Modify local RMS from HDM-4 knowledge base, e.g. improving predictive relationships, adding economic calculations
System Architecture Prefer open architecture; –Several applications operating under common platform with shared data –Can substitute and update applications easily Incorporate HDM-4 through an interface; ensure on-going international support and updates Custom-built systems; cecome outdated rapidly and are expensive to upgrade
Procurement Options Dedicated department In-source expertise Out-source monitoring surveys Out-source analysis and program drafting
Risks & Constraints Interruption to establishment, slow adaptation (reassignment, leadership change, etc.) Slow or lacking updating of IT or HDM software Perception of complexity, reliability, or local validity
Communication & Messages Report high-level information on future projections to stimulate interest and champions Use Performance Indicators like: –Impacts of varying budget levels –return on projects and programs Visits to/from countries with successful implementation
Closing Remarks Tailor outputs and messages to key audiences Keep data and reporting practical, affordable and reliable – choose appropriate level of data detail (Information Quality Level) Incorporate into enterprise IT architecture Mainstream analyses and surveys into regular road management processes Utilize international user support opportunities