How to Conduct Research and Incorporate it into an MLA Style Paper
Be sure you thoroughly understand the topic or question Brainstorm what you already know Prior to Research
Take notes as you read always in your own words NEVER CUT AND PASTE INFORMATION FROM A WEBSITE!!! Start formulating an opinion Make a works cited list as you go During Research
Find as many quotes as possible from the story which support your opinion Decide on the points you will use to prove your argument After Research
No title page Paper is double spaced Follow first page set up example given in class Quotes must be integrated and cited Font must be Times New Roman 11pt Margins are standard 1” Title is not bolded, underlined or in larger font – it must be centered Name of short story must always appear in quotes Works cited appears on a separate page MLA Style
Step 1 research (done) Step 2 brainstorm (partially done) – finish this Step 3 fill in outline Step 4 produce rough draft Step 5 revise and edit Step 6 produce final draft Step 7 submit all steps in reverse order with rubric on top Begin the Essay
Drew 1 Stephen Drew Mrs. Papalambropoulos ENG 2DIY-01 November 23, 2015 Edgar Allen Poe’s Manipulations in “The Cask of Amontillado” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” Edgar Allen Poe is renowned for his spooky tales and haunting plotlines. One of the reasons that his stories work so well is the manner in which Poe layers manipulation into his tales. Throughout his works, including “The Cask of Amontillado”… First Page Heading and Title Note: header to the right This is the correct order for information. The title of published stories are in quotation marks, but not the title of the paper
MLA uses parenthetical citation (information about the source inside parentheses). Work the citation into a sentence that contains some of your own words. Quotations should be integrated, not just dropped into the paper. Example: Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263). In-Text Citations Note that the period is inserted after the last parenthesis, not after the quotation mark.
No quotation marks Start on a new line Indent the whole quote Still double spaced Nelly Dean treats Heathcliff poorly and dehumanizes him when she says: They entirely refused to have in bed with them, or even in their room, and I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it would be gone in the morrow. By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept into Mr. Earnshaw’s door, and there he found it on his quitting chamber. Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house. (Bronte 78) Note placement of period Quotes of More than Four Lines
Begins on a separate page and is labeled Works Cited (no italics or quotation marks). Double space, but do not skip spaces between entries. Indent the second and subsequent lines five spaces. List page numbers only when needed. Determine the Medium of Publication. Most will be print or web sources. Basic Format: Last name, First name. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication. Work from an Anthology: Last name, First name. “Title of Story.” Title of Anthology. Ed. Editor’s Name. Place of Publication, Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Medium. Work from a web source: Last name, First name. Title of Source. Name of Institution publishing the source. Date source was published. Web. Date you viewed source on the web. Works Cited
Aristotle. Poetics. Ed. S. H. Butcher. The Internet Classics Archive. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Sept Web. 23 Nov Gillespie, Paula, and Neal Lerner. The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Peer Tutoring. Boston: Allyn, Print. Wysocki. Anne Frances. Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of Composition. Logan, UT: Utah State UP, Print. Works Cited Sample