Independent Foldables 2-tab: used to compare or contrast ideas/concepts – Can be used to show two parts of a whole – See ideas on handout 3-tab: used to compare or contrast ideas/concepts – Can be used to show three parts of a whole or three connected ideas – See ideas on handouts Matchbook: used to present a single idea/concept – Picture or term is on the outside and information is on the inside Shutter Fold/Four Door: used to show two or four aspects of a concept – Examples could be advantages/disadvantages – Quadrants of coordinate plane – See ideas on handouts
More Independents Layered Book: used to show multiple parts of a whole, progression, character study Top-Tab Book: used to show parts of a whole, sequence of events VKV (visual-kinesthetic- vocabulary): used to show roots and meanings of words
Dependent Foldables/Notebooking Mini-book: used for unit note-booking, book studies, chapter studies and other concept studies All independent foldables can be modified for note- booking—pages of notebook are used for the details of the concept All dependent foldables use an anchor tab to secure it to the page. – Main idea/concept title on front – Supporting evidence beneath – Focus on precision of information
Notebooking Practice Table of Contents 2 Tab 3 Tab Four Door Layered Book Pyramid Tri-Fold
Remember: Students are limited only by their imagination The process of analyzing information and discerning what is most important is imperative to concept attainment. Guided note-taking can help students slowly gain confidence in their own abilities to become independent note-takers
Thank You! We hope we have sparked some ideas for you to incorporate into your classroom Please take a moment to fill out the questionnaire found in your folders Please feel free to peruse the note-booking examples we have brought Feel free to look at the teacher resources available If you have any questions about using foldables and 3- dimensional note- booking, please contact us at the following addresses: – –