On your own, decide if you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. You will stand against either the agree wall or the disagree wall to show your side.
Science should be allowed to progress without fear of consequences.
Any bad result of science is far outweighed by the good.
Humans should strive to better themselves.
Parents should be allowed to select the eye/hair color, height, and physical build of their children.
People are ‘all created equal’.
Genetic manipulation will not only cure disease, but make us better.
Scientific advancement cannot be stopped.
Life (and basically everything) is better now than in the time of my grandparents.
Life (and basically everything) WILL be better for my grandchildren.
If I could have a surgery that would make me outstanding at a particular sport or job, I would get it.
I have the potential (or ability) right now to be ANYTHING I want to be.