Polly Gibb Women in Rural Enterprise
Introduction In this presentation, I will introduce Women in Rural Enterprise, discuss the role of female entrepreneurs in rural areas, tell you about WiRE’s approach to business support, and tell you about some of our members.
WiRE works in rural areas across England. Founded 1998, during a period of decline in farm incomes. Premise: women are part of the solution in their potential to contribute to rural economies and drive the renewal of those economies
Rural Diversification Most farm diversifications and new on- farm but non-farm enterprise are initiated and driven by women. Most new businesses in rural areas were being set up by women.
WiRE members contribute significant and increasing amounts to farm/family incomes % of WiRE members% of family income 44%up to 25% 19%26 – 50% 8%51 – 75% 29%more than 75% Adapted from Warren-Smith and Jackson 2004
Barriers This same study found that the vast majority of these female entrepreneurs had received either no, or unsatisfactory, support or training from the mainstream business support agencies. (for example, Farm Business Advisory Service) Adapted from Warren-Smith and Jackson 2004
Reluctant Entrepreneurs Why self-employment ? Flexibility (children/farm/other)39% Poor employment opportunities28% Challenge/profitability8% Adapted from Warren-Smith and Jackson 2004
Rural Entrepreneurs Initially, the age range was 39 to 51 with an average age of % had caring responsibilities, primarily children of school age, although 20% also had care of parents and younger children to accommodate. 90% were involved in community work.
Results - Barriers When asked specifically about barriers faced by women in rurally deprived areas, being taken seriously and the cultural perceptions of the role of farm women were most commonly mentioned. Community approval was a very important factor in their perceived ability to move forward positively.
All our actions are based on establishing networks – national and local networks – because it is these networks which help overcome the cultural and confidence barriers and which enable our work to be sustainable.
Membership organisation – national Business support organisation – regional
Sally Robinson Amplebosom.com Dairy farm north of England Sally kept the farm accounts Desperate to stay on the farm Internet business, based in a disused barn Business idea from her own experience Now employs local women
Conclusions There are many women in rural areas who, with a bit of support and encouragement, will set up a business/become self-employed, in ways that will allow them to continue with caring and community roles. Female led business start up is a long and often complex process. Women set up businesses that are embedded in their lives and communities and the process is relationship-dependent.
KEY POINTS Rural women set up businesses and become self employed for reasons, For example: business creation and self- employment may be a solution for rural women who wish to enter the labour market but are unable to find high quality, profitable, employment which has additionally to accommodate the their social and community roles.
KEY POINTS Rural women set up their businesses in the context of particular cultural and logistical challenges and barriers, This needs to be understood by any organisation trying to support this process
KEY POINT Women play a vital role in the diversification of the rural economy – women are part of the solution in their potential to contribute to rural economies and drive the renewal of those economies