Andrea Balda EDIT 3318 Kindergarten CreditsMenu
Roots Leaf Stem Flower Credits Quiz
Roots Roots are the fountain for a plant Roots help to hold up the plant NextBack
Roots grow from underground Roots are a dark brown color Roots are usually “unseen” Roots Back Next
Roots Back Next Roots bring up food and water from the soil If the soil is too wet, roots drain water from the soil
Roots Back Menu Root hairs absorb nutrients from the soil and will send the food on up to the stem
Stem Back Next The stem holds up the leaves and the flower of a plant Stems can be tall or short
Stem Back Next Food travels from the roots up through the stem The stem then carries water and nutrients to the leaves
Stem Back Menu There are three parts that make up the stem: Xylem, Pholem, and Cambirum Stems are covered by a protective coating
Leaf Back Next The leaf is known as the “food- making factory” of a plant The leaf uses the sun to make it’s own food
Leaf Back Next Leaves are usually green when part of a flower Most leaves are flat, the flat part of a leaf is called the lamina
Leaf Back Menu Leaves contain a substance called Chlorophyll Chlorophyll is used to trap energy from the sun
Flower Back Next The flower is important for making seeds Not all plants that come from the ground have flowers
Flower Back Next Flowers can be made up of many different parts Flowers are divided into a “male” part and a “female” part
Flower Back Next The male part of a flower is called the stamen The female part of a flower is called a pistil
Flower Back Menu In the center of the flower is where the pollen is contained Flower are brightly colored to attract pollinators
Quiz 1.What part of the flower is “unseen”? a. Stem b. Leaf c. Root d. Flower
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Quiz 2.What does a flower produce? a. Water b. Seeds c. Grass d. Dirt
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Quiz 3.Where do leaves get their energy? a. Clouds b. Sun c. Rain d. Snow
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Quiz 4.What color are leaves usually? a. Purple b. Orange c. Green d. Blue
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Quiz 5.What is found in the center of a flower? a. A ladybug b. Grass c. Pollen d. Water
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Quiz 6.What does the stem do? a. Holds the flower up b. Makes the flower move c. Hurts the flower d. Changes the color of the flower
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Quiz 6.All plants have flowers. a. True b. False
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§ Science, Kindergarten (10) Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms resemble their parents and have structures and processes that help them survive within their environments. The student is expected to: (A) Sort plants and animals into groups based on physical characteristics such as color, size, body covering, or leaf shape; (B) Identify parts of plants such as roots, stem, and leaves TEKS: MenuNext Page
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Flower Image: Clip-Art Stem Image: Clip-Art Leaf Image: leaf-clip-art Roots Image: leaf-clip-art Background Image: Clip Art BackMenu