Computer Essentials Brainard Keyboarding
Q W E R T Y Most modern keyboards use the "qwerty" layout. This name comes from the first five letters on the top row. The qwerty layout was designed for manual typewriters initially by Christopher Sholes all the way back in 1872.
Why Q W E R T Y?? Mr. Sholes purposely selected a physical layout that was difficult to type, so that typing speeds would be reduced! This was needed to reduce the jamming of "hammers" used to create individual letters on manual typewriters. The QWERTY layout was never changed when computers started hitting the market. Secretaries and people using typewriters were accustomed to the old layout and even when other, more efficient layouts have been proven effective, the old layout has remained with us, and will for many years.
Fun Facts About Computer and Typewriter Keyboards The longest common English word that can be typed using only the left hand is stewardesses. The longest English word that can be typed with the right hand only is johnny-jump-up (a type of flower). The word typewriter can be typed entirely using the top row of keys. It has been speculated that this may have been a factor in the choice of keys for ease of demonstration.
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