A-day: 35% B-day: 35% Collective: 35% RATIONALE Period 1: 26% Period 3: 58% Period 4: 21% Period 5: 25% Period 7: 50% Period 8: 29%
Television and video games deliver instant gratification. Tune a channel or insert a disc and off you go. Hours and hours of sedentary satisfaction are at their fingertips! A. NO CHANGE B. YOUR C. ONE’S D. P EOPLE’S
This answer choice is consistent with the narrator’s use of the second person (you) from the preceding sentence. Answer choices A, C, and D can be eliminated because they don’t use second person. This is why your correct answer is…
DEFINITION: A PERSON WHO DISLIKES HUMANKIND AND AVOIDS HUMAN SOCIETY. Misanthrope Pronunciation: [mis-ahn-throhp] Part of Speech: Noun Synonyms: cynic hater egoist loner Root words: Mis: hatred Anthrop: human
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why is it important to use MLA formatting to cite another’s work?
MLA FORMATTING MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. MLA is one of 2-3 styles used in high school and college. WHAT IS IT?
MLA FORMATTING To avoid PLAGIARISM and give credit where credit is due! To gain credibility and the reader’s trust To make it easy for the reader of your paper to find information on your topic WHY DO WE NEED TO DO IT?
MLA FORMATTING Another person's idea, opinion, or theory. Any facts, statistics, graphs, drawings-any pieces of information-that are not common knowledge. Quotations of another person's actual spoken or written words. Paraphrases of another person's spoken or written words WHEN DO WE NEED TO DO IT?
MLA FORMATTING When using MLA format, you need to be sure to cite in two places: 1. In text using parenthetical citations. 2. At the end of your paper on a works cited page (bibliography) HOW DO WE DO IT?
MLA FORMATTING The source information required in a parenthetical citation depends (1.) upon the source medium (e.g. Print, e- reader, Web) and (2.) upon the source’s entry on the Works Cited page. All parenthetical citations must come at the end of the cited material. PARENTHETICAL CITATIONS
EXAMPLE – IN TEXT The modern world requires both the ability to concentrate on one thing and the ability to attend to more than one thing at a time: "Ideally, each individual would cultivate a repertoire of styles of attention, appropriate to different situations, and would learn how to embed activities and types of attention one within another" (Bateson, ch 3, pg 97).
MLA FORMATTING Located at the end of your paper Sources listed alphabetically by author’s last name Citations are double-spaced and a hanging indention is used on the 2 nd line Titles of books and journals are in italics WORKS CITED PAGE
EXAMPLE – WORKS CITED Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin, Print. Author. (Last name, First) Year published. Title (Italicized) Publisher. Publishing city: (include colon) Format. Print book with one author
EXAMPLE – WORKS CITED Fricke, David. "Forty Years of Beatlemania: A look back at the Beatles' debut on The Ed Sullivan Show.” Rolling Stone. Rolling Stone, 19 Sept Web. 8 Oct Author. (Last name, First) Name of article (in quotation marks) Website Name (Italicized) Publisher. (NP if unknown) Published date (ND if unknown) Format. Online article Access Date.
UPCOMING PROJECT ALERT Research paper 3 pages (not incl. cover sheet or bibliography Cover sheet/MLA cited page 2 sources supporting your opinion 1 source opposing your opinion Double spaced/typed MLA format for all citations
UPCOMING PROJECT ALERT POTENTIAL TOPICS: Abortion Legalization of marijuana Immunizations Illegal immigration Gay marriage Lowering the drinking age Performance enhancing drugs (in sports) Legalization of music sharing (pirating) Prostitution Gambling
NEXT CLASS: Notes: FSA Bootcamp