Anthropogenic pressures and classification on 2 nd planning period
High Good Moderate Poor Bad Ecological state* in Botnian Sea River Basin District *Lakes, rivers and coastal waters
Hydromorphology Acidification Eutrophication Alien species Environmental pollutants Lakes Rivers Coastal water Environmental issues within waterbodies
Hydromorphological changes Problems in rivers are caused by Migration barriers Timber floating era
Eutrophication Problems are caused by Emissions from industrial, sewage treatment plants and septic tanks The supply of nutrient-rich river water (nitrogen, phosphorus) Internal load; phosphorus is released from the sediments at oxygen-free conditions
Environmental pollutants Problems are caused by Emissions from mining, industries and sewage treatment plants River water supplies (heavy metals etc.) Leaching from contaminated soil (”past sins”) Leakage from ancient seabed (acid sulphate soils) where construction work and drainage increase the leakage Airborne deposition
Verifying results of classification Method Model Modelled status Areas with modelled environmental issues Verifying of modelled status started 2008
Verification of modelled status - Rivers and lakes Eutrophication and acidification Results Eutrophication: 26 of 39 lakes will still be classified as eutrophied Acidification: Verification have helped us to reduce the importance of this environmental issue
Verification of modelled status - Rivers and streams Hydromorphological changes Verified/inventoried: ~2 225 km Total: km (waterways used för timberfloating) Results Inventories shows that a minor part waterbodies compared to ”the total” is impacted Lots of ”new” migration barriers were found Verified areas by mapping aquatic biotopes
Verification of modelled status – Coastal areas Eutrophication Results Generally, lower status than the model data shows Data shows a need of better assessment criterias Data also shows a need of smaller waterbodies
National criteria regarding HMWBs From the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM) during Improved definition of HMWB National criteria for good ecological potential (GEP) (impact, measures, costs)
District work with HMWBs 167 HMWBs in the Bothnian Bay Water District Working Groups in the rivers Lule, Skellefte and Ume Projects during : ”3 regleringsmagasin” (4 HMWBs, river Ume älv, report in ) ”Lycksele GEP” ( 4 HMWBs, river Ume älv, report in 2014) ”Skellefteå GEP” ( 5 HMWBs, report in 2014)
+ Cook Book
Impact analysis Input Output Default values Point sources County specific data Diffuse sources Weighting Risk assessment Source distribution Internal load Risk Total risk
Point Sources Standard Values (IVL) Point Sources County-specific data (Lst) Diffuse sources Standard values (IVL) Object- specific list Basic emission to pixel PixelsSum: μg/l Point Point Road50, Rail100,54020 Agriculture100, Hard surface200, Total summa: 545 Vidare till nästa ARO x ret. koeff. ~300 μg Flöde ~0,5 μg/l Internt material EQS-värde bestämmer riskklass Risk PAHerRisk dioxiner 5 = 4 * EQS 4 = 2* EQS 3 = EQS 2 =0,5 * EQS 1 =0,25 * EQS 5 = 4 * EQS 4 = 2* EQS 3 = EQS 2 =0,5 * EQS 1 =0,25 * EQS Risk Metaller 5 = 4 * EQS 4 = 2* EQS 3 = EQS 2 =0,5 * EQS 1 =0,25 * EQS Calculations for the subject group X (eg, PAHs)