Summer 2016Course Outline
Develops academic reading, writing, listening and speaking skills Divided into two major strands—speaking & listening and reading & writing Learner-centered classrooms Classroom tasks are integrated and aimed at promoting specific language skills Credit Course
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: develop reading skills and critically analyze reading texts write academic essays such as argumentative, cause and effect, and response following basic academic formats deliver impromptu and rehearsed presentations participate effectively as a team member in group work and share constructive feedback acquire note-taking and active listening skills
Students have to maintain 70% attendance in each and every component of the course. Attendance will be counted till the last class of the 10 th week. Students are not allowed to enter the class after 10 minutes. If any student fails to attend the final exam due to any reason, he may be allowed to attend a makeup final exam after completing formalities as per University rules. Moreover, the student has to attend the makeup final exam before the publication of the result of that same semester.
If any student fails to attend classes due to physical illness or any unavoidable circumstances, then she/he must submit an application immediately to the course teacher stating the situation with medical reports approved by BRACU medical officer and a guardian’s signature. However, this application will not be taken for excusing the absence; it is for keeping record. For the two group presentations average marks will be taken. Marks will be given individually for the group presentations. P OLICIES AND O BLIGATIONS
Students found guilty of plagiarism will face serious consequences. Students will be asked to maintain a portfolio for their Writing and Speaking classes where they will preserve their class work and homework for the whole semester. There will be no make-up exam for the quizzes. Average of two quizzes will be counted for the final marks. P OLICIES AND O BLIGATIONS
Marks will be deducted for late submission of all given assignments. No change will be permitted in the Final Presentation Schedule. If any student fails to sit for the Midterm/Final exam OR Final Speaking Presentation, she/he will end up getting F in the final grade. P OLICIES AND O BLIGATIONS
Distribution of Marks RReading and Writing70% QQuiz 1 & 2 (Average)10% AAssignment (Response Paper) 10 % MMid Term Exam20% FFinal Exam30% SSpeaking & Listening25% MMidterm (Speaking Test)6 % GGroup Presentation & Debate(Average)6 % RResearch Writing5 % FFinal Presentation (Individual)8 % attendance, Participation & Portfolio5%
90 – 100 = A (4.0) Excellent 85 - < 90 = A- (3.7) 80 - < 85 = B+ (3.3) 75 - < 80 = B (3.0) Good 70 - < 75 = B- (2.7) 65 - < 70 = C+ (2.3) 60 - < 65 = C (2.0) Fair 57 - < 60 = C- (1.7) 55 - < 57 = D+ (1.3) 52 - < 55 = D (1.0) Poor 50 - < 52 = D- (0.7) < 50 = F (0.0) Fail
Thank You! Contact me: EEffat Hyder BBRAC Institute of Languages (BIL) (14 th Floor) BBRAC University