November 2012 Last class Review Exam Prep.
The review slides and notes are meant to help you study, since you need to know something about objects in order to identify them. You cannot learn the history of art by memorizing random facts, and the comparisons on the slides and the notes will help you understand relationships, consistent themes, and significant changes in history. I am trying to get you to understand the “Big Picture” and how objects fit into it. Please do not think that the exam is going to contain all the images or that these are the only images on the exam. They are to help you learn to study.
There will be about questions. About will be questions about the slides – artists if known, stylistic period, medium, subject, approximate date, purpose of the object, various terms
30% of the exam will concern material covered before the midterm. You will need to be able to identify objects by their civilization prior to the Greeks. About 10 Slides and about 4 or 5 questions concerning very basic facts. You will need to understand basic facts about Greek and Roman art and architecture. Know basic architectural terminology. About 10 questions/slides. You will need to know general dates for some of the stylistic periods, both those before and after the midterm. Know about the evolution of architecture during the Middle Ages. Know the basic differences between Romanesque and Gothic and between Italian and French buildings
The rest will focus on art we have studied since the mid-term. Weeks 8-12 Don’t forget: Know what was occurring in representational art during the Middle Ages. Some of this is we covered first before the test, but you need to understand significant relationships to later work. Know how Roman art influenced later periods, and why
Perugino: Christ Giving the Keys to Saint Peter. Vatican 1481 Raphael: Marriage of the Virgin 1504
Mesopotamia B.C B.C.2300 B.C 720 B.C / a 2.29
Knossos: Toreador Fresco ca Nebamun Hunting Birds B.C. 3.35
Knossos: Toreador Fresco ca Nebamun Hunting Birds B.C. 3.35
“Mask of Agamemnon” ca B.C 4.26 Tutankhamon’s mask ca B.C. 3.41
Etruscan Greek
Etruscan Roman Greek
Pantheon, Rome,
Pantheon Parthenon B.C. 5.45
Church plans Basilica Central Plan Old St Peter’s San Vitale, Ravenna
A B 13 B.C 7-31 A.D A. D C
Book of Kells, Tunc Crucixiserant, late 8th or early 9th century 9.23
Saint John, Coronation Gospels, 8th century 9.28 Girl with a stylus Pompeii, 1 st century A.D 7.58
Conques, Last Judgment Portal
Conques Reims Durham begun
Trajan’s Column A.D Bayeux Tapestry (detail not in the textbook)
Jamb Sculptures West façade Chartres Jamb Sculptures, South Transept Chartres 13th Century 11.21
Virgin and Child, Hosios Loukas, Greece Cimabue: Madonnna Enthroned
Giotto: Madonnna Enthroned
St-Étienne, Caen Pisa Cathedral
Siena Cathedral Reims
Review of the last 2 classes
Colosseum A.D Alberti: Palazzo Rucellai,
Alberti: Tempio Malatestiano, Rimini, &.32 Pantheon
Arch of Constantine &.40 Sant’ Andrea, Temple of Portunus, late 2 nd c. B.C 7.22
Sant’ Andrea,
Alberti: Sant’ Andrea, Pantheon
Alberti: Sant’ Andrea, Brunelleschi: Santo Spirito, &.9
Sant’ Andrea, Reims,
Brunelleschi: Santo Spirito, &.9
Chartres Sto. Spirito
Reims, Brunelleschi: Foundling Hospital
Ste. Foy, Conques Brunelleschi: Santo Spirito, &.9 Amiens
Brunelleschi: Santo Spirito, &.9 Amiens Old St Peter’s &.7
King’s College Chapel, Cambridge
Robert Campin: Merolde Altarpiece, Limbourg Bros: Annunciation,
Masaccio: Holy Trinity Van Eyck: Arnofini Wedding Portrait, &.70
Masaccio: Holy Trinity Van der Weyden: Descent from the Cross,
Van Eyck: Man in a Red Turban, 1433 detail Piero della Francesca: Battista Sforza1475, detail 13.47
Van Eyck: Man in a Red Turban, 1433 detail Ghirlandaio: Adoration of the Shepherds, 1485, detail 13.75
Gislebertus: Last Judgement, Saint-Lazare, Autun, Van der Weyden: Descent from the Cross,
Lorenzetti: Good Government, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena Mantegna: Camera degli Sposi, Palazzo Ducale, Mantua, 1470s 13.56
300 B.C A.D.1401 AD 81 AD
1000 Western Europe about 800 Byzantium about 550 and 1000