1 Department of Agriculture UP Strategies for Wheat Production Uttar Pradesh Department of Agriculture, UP
2 Major Wheat Producing State S.No.StateArea (lacs ha) Production (lacs MT) Productivity (q/ha.) 1Uttar Pradesh Punjab Haryana Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan Bihar Figures of
3 Area of Wheat and Barley in Rabi Production of Wheat and Barley in Rabi
4 Status of Wheat & Barley Year WheatBarley Area (Lacs ha) Production (Lacs MT) Productivity (quintals/ha.) Area (Lacs ha Production (Lacs MT) Productivity (quintals/ha.) (Target)
5 Productivity Scenario of Wheat (Qt/ha)
6 Tarai Central Western Semi Arid Plain Western Plain Central Plain Mid-western Plain Bundelkhand Eastern Plain Northern Eastern Plain Vindhyan
7 Total No. Of farmers Family- in % Category wise total land share- in % Category wise farmers holding- in ha Category-wise Status of U.P.
8 Status of Problematic Soil Arable degraded land Non arable degraded land Ravines land Sodic land Water logged Diyara & Khadar Total Problematic Soil Area in lak Ha.
9 Sl. No. Zones Production Lac MT Productivity Q/Ha WheatBarleyWheatBarley 1Tarai & Bhabhar Western Plain Mid- Western South Western Semi-Dry Mid-Plain/ Central Bundelkhand North Eastern Eastern Plain48.66o Vindhyan Uttar Pradesh Zonewise Production & Productivity
10 Zonewise Wheat Production Total Production in Lakh MT
11 Major Concerns U.P. has nine agro climatic zones with varying eco-system and situations. There is no major breakthrough in genetic improvement of wheat varieties with higher yield potential. Fragmentation of holding is making the farming as a uneconomic. Small and marginal farmers have very poor purchasing capacity. The temperature required (22 0 C) for wheat sowing is generally obtained not before November which delays the sowing of wheat crop.
12 Major Concerns Often due to late mansoon sowing of kharif crops gets delayed which results into delayed sowing of wheat. The practices of growing crops like Toria and short duration Arhar results in to late sowing of Wheat. Nutrients harvest is also more from the soil, which creates the deficiency of nutrients in the soil. Lesser use of P&K fertilizer, no use of organic manures and micronutrients leads to deteriorating soil health and affect the wheat productivity. Low MSP. Cultivation of wheat in problematic soil reduces productivity.
13 Strategy Ensuring adequate quantity of quality seeds of location specific high yielding varieties in wheat growing areas. 100% sowing of wheat has been targeted to be completed by 15 th December. Encouraging the balanced use of fertilizers as per soil test and also that the use of organic and bio-fertilizers. Popularization of use of soil ameliorates like gypsum for reclaiming soils having high pH. Encouraging efficient on farm water management. Promotion of zero-till-seed-cum-fertilizer drill.
14 Strategy Promoting integrated weed management. Integrated pest and disease management especially of Kernel Bunt, loose smut and rust. Bringing more area under micro irrigation sprinkler & drip irrigation. Mechanization to insure timely operation. SAUs have been requested to develop thermo insensitive varieties. Replacing PBW-343 and PBW-373 by PBW-502, PBW-550 & DBW-17. Discouraging burning of paddy residue/straw.