Economic Stress: Growth Water Land Use Transportation Energy
Economic Stress: Growth Water Land Use Transportation Energy
Bernalillo/Valencia/Sandoval/Santa Fe 1,000,000 1,634,000 population by 2035 State of NM > 3,000,
Regional Growth… Bernalillo/Valencia/Sandoval/Santa Fe +389,000 Population increase ,000 Projected population increase ,000 75% of the regional growth 2010 – 713, – Bernalillo County 1,166,590
Economic Stress: Growth Water Land use Transportation Energy
As Performing Electric: 424,937 kWh CO2:919,295 lbs (11 lbs. per sf) If Built per Code* Electric: 790,658 kWh CO2:1,673,881 lbs (19 lbs. per sf) Saves 222,300 gallons of water/year from plumbing fixtures Saves 413,000 gallons of water/year based on electricity savings (NM electricity production consumes 1.13 gallons of water to produce 1kWh of electricity) Reduction of CO2 by 342 metric tons per year LEED-CS
Economic Stress: Growth Water Land Use Transportation Energy
Jobs to Housing Balance? Mid-Region Council of Governments of New Mexico 2008 = = = = 1.54 One Million Daily River Crossings in 2035! WestEast New pop 437, ,265 New jobs 98,930 90,798
Economic Stress: Growth Water Land Use Transportation Energy
Link Between… Live Work Time Play Smart Growth Mixed-Use Higher Density Transit Oriented Development Smart Growth Mixed-Use Higher Density Transit Oriented Development Most Cost Effective Policies for Stopping Climate Change Smart Growth/Land Use Cost: - $1.11 per ton. Encouraging smart growth planning to reduce sprawl and maximize open space protection, like siting development near transit hubs. 24/7
Higher Density Mixed-Use development... drives transit...reduces VMT...reduces GHG... reduces impervious surface... reduces landscape area per unit... reduces fixture counts per unit... uses less buildings use less energy
Water Transit Density Energy Land < < < <
DensityWater < ABQ Uptown
Water Use: Average per unit use Multi-Family = 126 Gallons per Day Single Family = 270 Gallons per Day ABQ Uptown = 70 Gallons per Day Data Source: ABCWUA
Water Footprint: = 344 people = 344 people
The Challenge… Adapt Change Evolve
Providing a balance…
Economic Stress: Growth Water Land Use Transportation Energy