Wilson County Patriots The “Voice of Liberty” in Wilson County Texas.
Who We ARE !!! We are a non-partisan neighborhood organization dedicated to educate and advocate for strict adherence to the Constitution and rule of law, limited government, sound fiscal policies, free enterprise, and protection of individual rights and liberties while promoting personal responsibility, morality, and religious expression. We are proud to be an extension of the San Antonio Tea Party reaching out to our local communities.
What We Are NOT !! We do NOT endorse ANY political candidates of ANY Party. We do NOT raise money for political causes nor contribute to PACS. We are self supporting and rely on personal donations and sales of educational items to cover expenses. We are NOT partisan or affiliated with any political party.
Recent Events Constitutional Classes for the Community Poll Watcher Training True the Vote Training Border Patrol Presentation Agenda 21 Presentation Delegate Training “Empower The People” Training Stand With Israel Rally Affordable Health Care Act Presentation Candidates Forum
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Affordable Health Care Act
Candidates Forum
Empower the People /Constitution Class
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