Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County 15-110864RZ Sevens Residential Memory Care ODP Case Manager: Russell D Clark.


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Presentation transcript:

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County RZ Sevens Residential Memory Care ODP Case Manager: Russell D Clark

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County Background This is a request to rezone from Residential – Two (R-2) to Planned Development (PD) to allow a 72 bed Memory Care/Assisted Living facility.

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County 1.98 Acres NE corner of 10 th Ave and Xenon Street

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County North: R-2 SF-D ~4 du/acre East: R-2 SF-D ~1 du/acre South: R-1 SF-D ~3 du/acre & R-2 duplex ~6 du/acre West: R-2 SF-D ~3 du/acre

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County Background Currently zoned Residential-Two (R-2) Applicant sought to build 6 homes to be used a State-licensed Group Homes for Memory Care R-2 zoning requires 750 feet between ‘another such group home’ Seeking rezoning to allow a unified residential Memory Care complex

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County The subject property is located within area 8 of the Central Plains Area Plan

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County Background The applicant held a community meeting on April 28, 2015 at which approximately 75 citizens attended. – Concerns raised: Traffic Parking Community Character Lower property values Commercial use in residential area Applicant made formal application in June of The applicant included a “Plan Exception Letter” with supporting documentation at this time. Staff generally supported the proposal. Citizens expressed concerns related to parking and traffic.

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County Proposal The applicant seeks to rezone the property to allow the construction of a 72 bed Memory Care/Assisted Living Facility The ODP requires the buildings be residential in appearance The ODP also limits the buildings to one story, with the exception of a single, two-story building Setbacks in the ODP are stricter than those in the R-2 zone district

Planning and Zoning Division What is a “Group Home”? Dictionary Definitions: Group homes are small, residential facilities located within a community and designed to serve children or adults with chronic disabilities. A place where people who need special care or attention live together in a group. A substitute home, usually located in a residential neighborhood, providing foster care for orphans, delinquents, disabled persons, or others with special needs.

Planning and Zoning Division Residential vs. Commercial Single Family Detached Duplex Townhomes Apartments Group Home Age-restricted Community Age-restricted apartments Assisted Living Facility Nursing Home

Planning and Zoning Division Architecture Architectural standards exceed those in the Zoning Resolution, and limits both the height and footprint of the buildings

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County Proposal Parking: ODP proposes more parking than the Zoning requires ZR requires 0.25 spaces per bed, or 18 spaces ODP specifies parking for both staff and visitors, or 26 spaces

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County Proposal Traffic: The applicant supplied a traffic analysis (reviewed by Transportation and Engineering as well as Planning Engineering) stating that the potential traffic generation of the proposed use is under 200 trips per day. 10 th Ave is a Collector Street – Collector Street: 1,000 to 10,000 ADT Latest traffic counts (2004): – 10 th Ave west of Welch Street: 1,402 – Welch Street south of 10 th Ave: 2,187 T&E agrees with the applicant’s traffic analysis, and its conclusions

Planning and Zoning Division CMP Areas of Compliance: Encourages full range of health care facilities Encourages housing options for the growing aging population, including assisted living Encourage businesses that will benefit the growing senior population Support the Aging Well in Jeffco Plan Promote design that meets the needs of residents as they age

Planning and Zoning Division Compatibility 2.1 Acre lot (R-2 Zoning) with 12 units Zoning allows up to 6 unrelated people to live in each unit 72 people could reside here

Planning and Zoning Division Compatibility 1.7 Acre site in Arvada with similar use and location. Collector Street School nearby Existing residential neighborhood

Planning and Zoning Division Arvada Site

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County Plan Exception The Planning Commission may approve exceptions to the Comprehensive Master Plan if they are provided evidence that: The purpose of the exception is to address a unique situation and it articulated as to the reasons of the unique situation; The negative impacts, if any, to the surrounding community can be mitigated or eliminated or that these impacts are comparable to the recommended land use; and The exception is not considered to be setting a precedent.

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County Plan Exception Unique Situation The applicant states that the current zoning permits an assisted living/memory care facility, as allowed in the group home designation. They argue that while the County considers this use a commercial use, the facility they are proposing is more like a residential use. Staff agrees with the applicant, as the written restrictions require the facility to have architecture that is residential in appearance, and the scale and massing of the buildings allowed by the ODP are consistent with surrounding residential buildings. The use could be considered a collection of group homes, which by their very nature are residential.

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County Plan Exception Mitigate Impacts The applicant suggests that the negative impacts, whether real or perceived, will be mitigated by the written restrictions. The building size, height, setbacks and architectural standards will ensure the facility will look like a residential development. Staff concurs with the applicant. The written restrictions require the facility to have architecture that is residential in appearance, and the scale and massing of the buildings allowed by the ODP are consistent with surrounding residential buildings. Traffic generation by a memory care/assisted living facility will also be closer to a residential development than a typical commercial development.

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County Plan Exception Precedent The applicant states that this exception will not be setting a precedent, as the precedent of group homes in residential areas has already been set. Staff agrees that group homes are intended to be located in residential areas, and Staff is under the understanding that the applicant’s facility will likely be licensed as a group home facility. Even if the facility is not licensed as a group home, the written restrictions require the facility to be designed to emulate a residential development, making the site residential in appearance, the same as state licensed group homes.

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County FINDINGS/RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planning Commission heard this rezoning request on November 18, 2015 Approximately 25 people testified at that Hearing The Planning Commission recommend DENIAL of Case RZ by a 7-0 vote The Planning Commission did not approve a Plan Exception

Planning and Zoning Division Jefferson County FINDINGS/RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff supports the proposed rezoning request because the proposed use will be compatible with existing and allowed uses in the surrounding area, and because the potential impacts of the memory care/assisted living facility will be minimal. The facility will be designed to appear to be a residential development. This type of facility, while technically considered commercial, is closer to residential in the impacts and design. Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners grant a Plan Exception; and, Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners APPROVE Case RZ.