School of Nursing Research Seminar
Tools for creating the new NIH BioSketch Katherine Chew, Associate Librarian Health Sciences Libraries
Brief overview/background on new NIH biosketch format Live demo of new NIH biosketch format Wrap-up and questions
NIH and AHRQ encourages applicants to use the newly published biosketch format for all grant and cooperative agreement applications submitted for due dates on or after January 25, 2015, and will require use of the new format for applications submitted for due dates on or after May 25, Applicants may submit using the new biosketch format for due dates before January 25, 2015, if they wish.
SF 424 (R&R) Forms and Applications page The revised forms and instructions are now available on the SF 424 (R&R) Forms and Applications page and adjustments have been made to improve their usability. The new format extends the page limit for the biosketch from four to five pages. Individual fellowships, R36 dissertation grants, and diversity supplements should use the Fellowship Application Biographical Sketch Format Page and related pre-doc and post-doc instructions and samples, while research grant applications, career development, training grant, and all other application types should use the general Biographical Sketch Format Page and instructions and sample.
“…The new NIH biosketch emphasizes accomplishments instead of just a list of publications…*” The primary focus of the new NIH biosketch will be the magnitude and significance of the scientific advances associated with a researcher’s discoveries and the specific role the researcher played in those findings. This change will help reviewers evaluate not on the publication reputation or how many times, but instead by the accomplishments. *Rock Talk, 12/1/2014
SciENcv homepage: YouTube Video (July 2014): 3GXhtU& (slightly outdated) 3GXhtU& SciENcv help page from NCBI Bookshelf: NOT-OD : files/NOT-OD html#sthash.GXg41Pdz.dpuf files/NOT-OD html#sthash.GXg41Pdz.dpuf Q&A on new form set: Form examples: osketch osketch Feedback:
Katherine Chew ◦ / Caitlin Bakker ◦ /