What is it? a researched, analytical essay words (plus/minus 10%). original comparison of ONE aspect of at least TWO texts in Part One. This assignment asks you to: demonstrate skills of presenting a comparative literary analysis compare literary aspects common to works studied in Part 1 explore possible links or relationships between works show individual insight, personal engagement and an appreciation of the cultural similarities and/or differences relevant to the analysis
What is it? World literature essay = independent work Teacher will guide your understanding of texts Peers will aid in development of ideas but cannot edit your work You will undertake research, make notes and select an essay title.
Rules and regulations
You will be scheduled two meetings with your teacher: 1. a focus on your proposed title or topic. 2.oral feedback on your draft. Your teacher cannot write on your draft. You will be given oral feedback only. You need to bring the conferencing forms with you when you meet with your teacher. It is your responsibility to take notes and fill out your forms. When your World Literature assignment is completed, please submit it to and give your teacher TWO printed copies: one for the English Department and one for the IB coordinator to submit to IBO.
Role of teacher in essay you II.discuss your work with you III.ask questions to extend your thinking Not to assign a topic, Not to TELL you what to write Not to correct language errors.
Documentation of Text Production Process Must keep a record of the development of your work. May seek assistance Must provide evidence of the process of your work in order to prove authorship. These forms will be provided for you.
Selecting a title Choice is restricted to at least TWO of the three texts taught in Part 1 Must allow you to present an arguable view on some literary area that links the two texts. Avoid simple descriptions of similarities and differences or basic comparisons of theme. Focus on authorial choice/ intent, plot, structure, point of view, narrative voice, setting, or literary techniques. How and why does each author use these? Ensure topic is different from that proposed by another student.
Selecting a title An appropriate World Literature assignment: focuses on the literary aspects of the text/s discussed clear title that provides clear, coherent and specific information about the topic and the titles of the texts goes beyond mere description or narrative summary of characters and events demonstrates awareness of the assessment criteria does not fall below or exceed the word limit by more than 10% acknowledges secondary sources used, if any
Possible topics for the comparative essay narrative technique Characterization imagery, symbolism, motifs, tropes setting, props, dramatic tension portrayal of society in the literature studied international perspectives on common human problems cross-cultural perspectives on the artist’s role in society themes and aspects of texts
Themes and aspects of texts hope and despair, desire, authority, power and oppression, destruction, disease, decay, death, crime and punishment, justice, social conflict, alienation, isolation, knowledge and ignorance, order and chaos, the individual and society, beginnings, endings, representations of mother figures, heroes, parent-child relationships, men and women, religion. This is by no means an exhaustive or definitive list.
Some example titles
Now what? Keep detailed notes on all three texts Keep a record of all your resources Continuous independent research Contribute to class discussions Debate your ideas with your peers Start thinking of possible connections between texts Don’t wait for your teacher to tell you what to do
Sources. IB resources: Guide to the HL and SL World Literature Assignments World Literature Teacher’s support Guide