Jeopardy The Anglo- Saxon Way All About BeowulfGrendel Literary techniques Potluck Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1 Explain how Herot is a typical example of a mead-hall: physically & culturally.
$100 Answer from H1 Physically: high arched roof, fire pit, long tables Culturally: kinsmenship, mead drinking, built by king
$200 Question from H1 What are 3 qualities Anglo-Saxons value?
$200 Answer from H1 Honor, loyalty, bravery
$300 Question from H1 What “things” and honors does Beowulf bestow on Wiglaf and why?
$300 Answer from H1 Armor, weapons, and kingship, because he was the “last of the true warriors”
$400 Question from H1 Wiglaf knew the value of ________________ and tells the other warriors _______________.
$400 Answer from H1 Kinship: Beowulf gave us riches, love and security and you have abandoned him.
$500 Question from H1 Explain the details of Beowulf’s funeral.
$500 Answer from H1 Body burned on a pyre. Huge tower built. Spoils buried. Warriors honored him.
$100 Question from H2 What is the name of Beowulf’s sword? Does he use it to kill Grendel? Does it kill Momma? Does it kill the dragon?
$100 Answer from H2 Hrunting No…bare hands. No…her magical sword. No…fails him again.
$200 Question from H2 What does Beowulf ask of Hrothgar when he first arrives?
$200 Answer from H2 To get all the glory for the kill!
$300 Question from H2 What do Beowulf’s boasts reveal about who he is and what he has accomplished?
$300 Answer from H2 Examples: Who he is – Prince of Danes, Strongest man in the world, brave warrior, fearless, fair, honorable Accomplishments – Killed giants, filled with glory, hunted monsters
$400 Question from H2 Where did Beowulf go after his battle with Momma and what did he do?
$400 Answer from H2 Back to Geatland and ruled as King for 50 years
$500 Question from H2 How is Beowulf’s last battle different than the earlier ones?
$500 Answer from H2 Older, wiser, a king, fate against him, knows he will die, abandoned.
$100 Question from H3 How is Grendel described physically? Who is he compared to?
$100 Answer from H3 Physically: claws, large, extremely strong, etc. Cain/Devil/Goblins/Monsters
$200 Question from H3 What motivates Grendel and how does he attack?
$200 Answer from H3 Greed, bloodlust, jealousy. Sneaky, hidden, at night, cowardly.
$300 Question from H3 What do Grendel and “The Seafarer” Have in common?
$300 Answer from H3 Exile/Loneliness
$400 Question from H3 Describe the lair with details. Explain the animals’ reaction.
$400 Answer from H3 Hidden, cold, far away, swampy, marshy. They wouldn’t even go near the water if their life depended on it.
$500 Question from H3 How does Grendel react when he meets up with Beowulf?
$500 Answer from H3 Fear, he has never met a man so strong, wants to flee.
$100 Question from H4 What are some major themes other than Beowulf vs. Grendel?
$100 Answer from H4 Good vs. Evil God vs. Devil Fate vs. Free Will
$200 Question from H4 Why is the mead-hall so important to the Anglo-Saxon?
$200 Answer from H4 Fellowship, kinsmen, bragging about battles, king did it in honor of his warriors
$300 Question from H4 Why is Beowulf, as a piece of literature, important for us to study?
$300 Answer from H4 Very first European Epic written in the vernacular, oldest manuscript, Peek into the lifestyle of the typical Anglo-saxon.
$400 Question from H4 Beowulf’s description, in the last 4 lines of the poem, seems reflective of who?
$400 Answer from H4 Jesus Christ
$500 Question from H4 What 2 religions are evident in the story and why are they present?
$500 Answer from H4 Paganism & Christianity. About a Pagan time but finally written down during a time of Christian influence
$100 Question from H5 Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer Is an example of?
$100 Answer from H5 Alliteration
$200 Question from H5 “Edgetho’s brave son” Is an example of?
$200 Answer from H5 kenning
$300 Question from H5 Beowulf does NOT use which typical poetic technique?
$300 Answer from H5 End rhyme
$400 Question from H5 Explain what a boast is and why it was used?
$400 Answer from H5 A speech with elevated language that highlights lineage, accomplishments and goals.
$500 Question from H5 Why were these techniques so important during this time period?
$500 Answer from H5 Oral tradition, singers, helped with memory.
Final Jeopardy What is the time period of the story?
Final Jeopardy Answer 500 AD