Creating Sustainable Schools A Comenius Programme (Multilateral Partnership) coordinated by Cyprus, with partners from Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Finland and France Dr. Pavlos Rigas Dr. Nick Shekkeris Fani Constanti (MA)
What is etwinning? A platform that allows all the Comenius partners to interact with each other in different ways.
Why etwinning? The etwinning platform provides an easy way to share information. Twinspace has features such as a calendar, a bulletin board, internal , online chat and a forum. All of these features are easy to use and beneficial.
A little about the features of twinspace
WHAT OUR TWINSPACE LOOKS LIKE Calendar Forum Mailbox Chat Bulletin board My team CMS Settings Nick Shekkeris, welcome to your Twinspace This is the virtual environment for you and your partner school. You can communicate with other members of your TwinSpace (Chat, Forum, Mailbox, Bulletin Board), see who else is part of it (My Team), navigate the website by using the links on the left hand side of the page. Find out how you can use the Twin Space. Project : Creating Sustainable schools Description: The project “Creating sustainable schools” aims to promote sustainable development in schools. Nine European schools from Cyprus, Finland, Greece, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland and Romania will carry out some joint activities, which will promote the following main issues of sustainable schools: (a) restructuring the surroundings of the school, (b) consumerism and reducing waste, (c) nutrition and (d) travel, traffic and climate change. Each issue will be examined for a whole term. Each year, there will be four meetings in order to find out whether the objectives of the main issues examined were met, and to organize the activities for the following term. Activities such as organizing informative campaigns, recycling paper, CO2 footprint and promotion of traditional products are some of the joint activities that are going to be carried out by all schools. Each school plans to involve the parents of the students and the local community to the whole process of the project. Founder schools: Pefkios Georgiades Primary School (Cyprus)
The calendar Any future dates, meetings or important events can be added using this feature of twinspace
Calendar (from 29/11//09) November 2009>> Next event(s) Add event Cyprus team arrives in Lyon 05/12/ :00 Team Finland arrives to Lyon 07/12/ :00 Meeting in Lyon 07/12/ :25 SuMTuWThFSa
Forum Can be used if anyone wants to discuss a specific topic with the rest of the partners
Mailbox Any partner may send messages to any other partner without having to look for individual s.
Chat Chat can be useful if a specific time can be set. Online chat can provide instant answers.
My team Please use twinspace regularly because Nick can check who has signed in and when!
My team (Created on 29/11/09) These are the members of the TwinSpace. Click on the icon to see the user's details. Administrators can invite new members, delete existing ones or change their user rights. Invite new member Name LoginsLast Login Camilo Spain CRISTIANA BURLACU Dorota Rutecka Karine France Nick Shekkeris Paula Finland Pavlos Rigas Sandra Moroni
Bulletin board The bulletin board can be used to send a message that concerns all the partners. Rather than sending individual messages, something can be posted on the bulletin board for all to see.
Bulletin board Add news Uploads, Nick Shekkeris, 19/11/2009 Dear partners, I'm posting this message to let you know that different teachers in Cyprus have begun giving me work that I have uploaded on this etwinning site. I will be sending an to all of you soon to start sending your uploads and what guidelines you must follow. Please look at the work we have begun to post on the site and send me your feedback. I hope to hear from you soon, Nick Edit Delete
CMS (Content Management System) This is the feature that allows the twinspace administrators to upload files and change any files that have been added. All the uploads will be done by Nick in Cyprus so please send him your work.
What has been added so far? Dictionary Fairytales Garb Art Lesson Plans Powerpoint presentations
Where do we go from here? Nick needs ALL the work you have done to make our twinspace the best it can be. After the project is completed and everything is uploaded to our twinspace we will submit an application for a twinspace award! In previous years prizes for the best twinspace have included an international trip for all the partners and students!
How can I send my work? Via . Please send files to Dr Pavlos Rigas as his accepts large attachments. On CD/DVD. Files must not be more than 5MB. Twinspace only allows files 5MB or less to be uploaded. On memory stick.
Guidelines to follow No files should have clear pictures of children’s faces. Remember that our twinspace can be published on the internet for all to see
A picture that is allowed
Further guidelines Please provide a title and a short description for EVERYTHING that you send. If you are sending a group of photos with a common theme, then you may simply provide a description for the group of photos and not for each individual photo.
And finally……. Please remember that we are here to answer all your questions and to help you in any way possible. Look at what we upload on twinspace and send us your feedback!