B LOOD D ONATION..a precious gift one can offer to the society.
Join now as a blood donor…. Blood cannot be produced artificially. Normal adults have 10 pints of blood in their body 1 pint (350ml) is given during a donation.
Join now as a blood donor…. A unit of blood can save at least three lives. A Unit of Blood donation is equivalent to burning out 650 calories.
Join now as a blood donor…. Blood donation is not only life-saving A regular Blood Donor has a lower risk of heart disease.
Join now as a blood donor…. Blood donation removes some of the excess iron which can cause free radical formation in the body.
Join now as a blood donor…. Any healthy adult both men and women can donate blood. Men, once in every 3 months. Women, once in every 4 months.
Join now as a blood donor…. A Blood Donor must be: Age between years. Body weight not less than Kg It has been at least three months after your last blood donation.
Join now as a blood donor…. You should not donate blood if: Suffering from major diseases or illness. On steroids, hormonal supplements or certain specified medication. Have consumed alcohol in the 24 hours prior to donation.
Join now as a blood donor…. You should not donate blood if: Addicted to drugs. Have tattoos, ear/body piercing or acupuncture within 12 months. Have white patches, enlarged lymph nodes in armpits, neck or groin.
Join now as a blood donor…. Multiple sexual partners. Women should avoid donation during their menstruating period. Pregnant or breastfeeding women or those who have recently had an abortion.
Join now as a blood donor…. B E A MEMBER AT AND A REGULAR B LOOD D ONOR ! Blood Donation is one of the most precious gift you can offer to the society!