Objectives and Introduction to NGN Issues John Horrocks
2 Objectives Explore technical, operational and commercial issues - overlaps Numbering, interconnection, quality Backbone and transit options Migration and roll-out of new services Retail and interconnection charging models A structured workshop
3 The changed market Common network technology - IP Diverse access technologies - xDSL, WiFi, WiMax, 3GPP, CDMA, self managing radio New management concepts - user provided services, self configuring networks Liberalisation - anyone can do almost anything Network competition - telcos vs Internet Market is out of “control” NGN is subject to “uncontrolled” market forces Users have real diverse choices
4 Changes in the telco market Retail –Calls included in subscriptions –Death of distance - distance has disappeared from many national tariffs Interconnection –Nearly all call based –Nearly all time and distance based –Strong distance element Does the approach to interconnection need to be revised to keep in step with the retail market?
5 BT Interconnection rates Local exchange: ppm Single transit: ppm Double transit <100 km: ppm Double transit km: ppm Double transit >200 km: ppm Distance factor of 4:1?
6 The effect of real competition Innovation is accelerating, eg Voice over Internet, public WiFi, xDSL, TV over telephone wires Growing pressure on excessive prices Usage based charges are disappearing Battle between telco complexity and Internet simplicity
7 Critical issues for NGN Copy past telco models and practices or develop new simpler ones? - Who is studying new simpler models? What will be the new services that will justify new investment? What will users pay for that is not available more cheaply on the Internet? - quality? security? Who will be the leaders? Incumbents? Will regulation, eg interconnection structures, be a barrier to development?
8 Migration paths - replacement PSTN PSTN on IP Core Voice over Internet New services on IP Core TV over xDSL Home Gateway Telephony over xDSL “Plain old Internet” ? Analogue/ISDN UNIs IP-based UNIs Circuit switched coreIP core Convergence? NGN Other
9 Migration paths - overlay PSTNPSTN on IP Core Voice over Internet New services on IP Core TV over xDSL Home Gateway Telephony over xDSL “Plain old Internet” ? Analogue/ISDN UNIs IP-based UNIs Circuit switched coreIP core overlayIP core Convergence? NGN Other
10 Emulation and Simulation Meaning Core network NNIUNI PSTN Emulation PSTN on IP core IMS or non-IMS SIP-I/T SIP-IMS Analogue/ ISDN PSTN Simulation PSTN compatible IMSSIP-IMSIP-based New services N/aIMSSIP-IMSIP-based
11 Replacement and protocols PSTN Emulation New services on IP Core Analogue/ISDN UNIs IP-based UNIs Circuit switched coreIP non-IMS coreIMS or non-IMS core ??? IMS core …and which protocol at interconnection points (SIP-I/T or SIP-IMS)? …how many stages of migration (2 or 3)? ? Will there be two NGNs - a PSTN replacement and a separate new services platform?
12 What new services? With terminal liberalisation, networks only provide packet pipes - should packet pipes be standardised to make interconnection easy? The focus on service capabilities is drawing attention away from the need to develop new services with terminals
13 NGN and Internet - which model? LAN Internet This NGN Or that? LAN NGN Internet
14 Subscriber LANs and services LANISP Now LANISP Then? IP-PBX NGN IP-UNI IP-Tunnels Separate ATM access SVCs if same physical access? Will NGN traffic classes be separated on different ATM access SVCs
15 Dimensioning NGN What traffic will it carry ? –Telephony –Video-telephony –TV and radio delivery ? – ? –Web browsing ? –Internet access traffic ? Why put any non-delay sensitive traffic on NGN?