In-service training October 22, 2008
Why NY Learns? Curriculum Mapping –Soon all of Newburgh CSD’s curriculum maps will be moved from the site to NY Learns also provides a number of great features and resources for teachers!
NY Learns Tabs Standards Educational Resources Assessment Professional Development Additional Links
NY Learns Tabs Standards: Allows users to search for lessons, resources, etc. by standard. Educational Resources: Allows users to search for a variety of resources such as lesson plans, links, etc. Assessment: Allows users to create assessments based on NYS assessments and Regents exams.
NY Learns Tabs (cont.) Professional Development: Search for workshops through NY Learns and other organizations. Additional Links: Search through webpages created by teachers in other school districts that use NY Learns.
Quick Search Brings up lessons plans, Web-based resources, and other activities on the subject for which you searched. Type a search term in the “Quick Search” box and click “Go!”
Registered User Tools Use toolbar on left-hand side to access registered user tools.
My Profile Update personal information Change password Update school information
My Content “Publish Your Best!” Peer-reviewed process that allows you to submit your own work to NY Learns for publication on the website.
My Portfolio Electronic “filing cabinet” that stores bookmarks to online resources and files created in Word, Excel, etc. Allows user to organize their stored material into folders—can be used to organize units of study or lesson plans.
My Curriculum District CMs tab –Provides links to Newburgh CSD curriculum maps My CMs tab –Allows you to select (bookmark) the CMs you use most –My IMs: import your CMs to create your own editable instructional maps (IMs)
3 Levels of Matrices Teachers select maps from “My CMs;” have ability to change title and add teaching notes Teachers select their subject area/grade level CMs from District CMs Created by CMC; visible to all teachers (when enabled) District CMsMy CMs Instructional Maps (IMs)
District CMs My CMs Here are district CMs (written and enabled by your district) Click a CM to view Click “Add” to move it to your “My CMs” tab
My CMs IMs When added, it looks like this: Click “Create IM” to edit title and add notes
Edit IMs Click the name or “Edit” to change title and add teaching notes
Rename to Personalize Change name on IM here Then “Save”
Add Teaching Notes Click here
Add Teaching Notes Use editor to enter notes –Format the text –Include portfolio items Links to documents Pictures Web bookmarks
Add Teaching Notes Editor with notes added
IM With Notes Added
Copy or Share IM Copy –Differentiate teaching notes for different classes or groups of students Share –Send to a colleague