EMCP 2016 Planning for the EMCP week May 1-6, 2016
What’s in your Binder?
Tips and Guidelines: Teaching Related docs Instructor Information: Permission Slip, Calendars, Orientation Guide, etc. Student Information: Class lists, Attendance, Passwords, etc. Administrative Forms: Expense Report
Sunday, May 1 Classroom Orientation 1 pm: courses 200 – pm: courses 226 – 258 Come 15 minutes and check your classroom, i.e., projector, pens and brochures for your students, etc. Discuss class activities planned for the week: course outline; field trip, waiver forms, meet parents, etc. Formal guided tours: Tory Foyer at 2 & 3 pm
Monday, May 2 Missed the orientation? Students who missed the orientation were informed to report first thing on Monday morning in Tory Foyer (8:15 am) School bus drop off & pick up area – Prescott Residence Class time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Classes must be dismissed at 3 pm (no earlier or later) Class Attendance – submit twice a day, at 10 am & 2 pm. (demo to follow at the end of this presentation) Lunch break Courses 200 – 225 at 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm Courses 226 – 258 at 12:30 pm -1:30 pm All – Wednesday at 12:00 – 1:00 pm (fun activities) Collect T-shirt sizes – an ice-breaker activity?
Tuesday, May 3 T-Shirts will be distributed – To be worn on Wednesday Check names and spellings – For certificates
Wednesday, May 4 Lunch at 12:00 noon – Cotton candies; popcorn, balloons, etc. – Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo – Draws and Prizes (in your classroom) Prize for a class activity – a hoodie
Thursday, May 5 Certificates and Course Evaluations will be distributed on this day. – Course evaluations will be collected the following day (Friday).
Friday, May 6 Certificates distributed in the morning Ensure Course Evaluations are completed – teaching portfolio Post-EMCP Reception at 3 pm – At Mike’s Place (to be confirmed) – Submit receipts, attendance, evaluations, etc. – Drinks and refreshments will be served. – Note: Pays & reimbursements will be deposited on May 30 pay period.
Important Reminders! Medical Concerns: refer to your Class list (section 3 ) Computer labs/passwords – refer to your Attendance sheet (section 3) Field Trip Transportation: – School Bus; book by April 22; the use of private vehicles are absolutely not permitted! Ratio: 1-10 Teaching Workshop – EDC is offering a one-time teaching workshop – Friday, Apr 8 at 12 noon – free lunch. Equipment Bookings – IMS ext (Teaching console code-1724) Library – tours, videos, etc. – Susan Tudin ext Photocopying – Rey Mangagil, ext. 2829/Jill Goodkey, ext EMCP Phones – – ext (D299 LA - main office) – – cell phone during the EMCP week
Important! Under no circumstances, students are NOT allowed to switch course. Please do not accept students who are NOT in your class list. Attendance: submitted twice a day (online). – DEMO - DEMO