Take two!!!
1. During a science experiment water was spilled onto the tile floor. Later in the day, the water was gone. What is the most reasonable explanation for the water being gone? A.Germs absorbed the water B.The water was absorbed by the tile C.All the water spilled onto the floor D.The water evaporated into the air Water will evaporate if left alone. Germs don’t absorb water Hard surfaces don’t absorb easily Water is gone, this says it’s still there
2. What is the approximate diameter of a dime? A.2 millimeters B.2 centimeters C.2 meters D.2 kilometers Too small, a dime is approx. 1 mm thick Too big, think of a yard stick, that’s one meter Way too big. Kilometers are like miles. Dimes are approx. 2 cm wide
3. What is the mass of these rocks? A.10 grams B.17 grams C.19 grams D.22 grams Add Make sure you add all three numbers!!! Too small Too much Way too much
4. This diagram represent water in a container. What process is taking place? A.Freezing B.Condensation C.Melting D.Evaporation The arrows are pointing upwards, leaving the cup Water isn’t becoming a solid Condensation means a gas turning into a liquid. Water already a liquid! Solid isn’t becoming a liquid. 5. Which of the following temperatures would evaporate first? A. 0° C B.30° C C.80° C D.95° C Water boils at 100° C. Then it starts evaporating very quickly. This is only 5 degrees away! Too cold, Water freezes at 0° C Still too cold. Cold water evaporates slower than warm water This will evaporate 2 nd quickest! Pick the hottest one!
Q.R.S.T. 6. In which container will the water evaporate most quickly? A. Q B. R C. S D. T About 29° C, warmest one. Warm water evaporates quickest. About 4° C. Almost freezing! About 12° C. About 21° C. Again, pick the hottest one. Don’t forget to write the temp next to the thermometers! 4°4° 29°12°21°
7. The table shows the time it took to freeze water in two different salt solutions with different salt content. According to the table — More salt takes longer to freeze! All numbers are different in each trial. Not on chart! A freezing rates are the same in each trial B water with more salt takes longer to freeze C water loses heat at a rate of 1°C per minute D salt dissolves more quickly in small amounts of water
8. What is the difference in temperature between Monday and Tuesday? A.3° C B.4° C C.5° C D.50° C Another math problem! Difference means “subtract”. 27 – 23 = 4° C Monday Tuesday
9. These are the stages in the termite life cycle. Which of these is supported by the information in the diagram? F Some nymphs have wings. G Some larvae lay eggs. H Eggs develop into three kinds of larvae. J The queen produces the eggs. Check the picture. Do they have wings? No they don’t! Look at picture Only one kind of larva!
10. What conclusion can be drawn from this graph? A A peach contains a lower percent of water than lettuce. B Lettuce contains a lower percent of water than bread. C A melon contains a higher percent of water than the other foods. D Bread contains the highest percent of water. Lettuce=95% Peach=80 Lettuce=95% Bread 40% Lettuce isn’t lower Melon 90% Not higher than lettuce! Bread=40% Lowest!!
11. The chart shows data collected when potted plants were placed in sunlight for different lengths of time. Which conclusion is best supported by the data? A The plants that received 4 hours of sunlight a day had the most leaves. B The plants given less than 6 hours of sunlight a day had the thickest stems. C The plants that received 8 hours of sunlight a day grew the most. D The plants given more than 10 hours of sunlight a day wilted. Chart doesn’t show wilting! Stems and amount of leaves are not on chart!
12.Which of the following does the information in the picture support? F Candles cause fire. G Corks put out fire. H Fire warms glass. J Fire needs air. Getting air, flame is burning Candles not getting air are burned out. True, but not supported by picture. Corks are used to lift the cup, not put out the fire. Not supported by picture.
13. An uncovered bowl of water was placed in the refrigerator. Each day the amount of water left in the bowl was recorded. Which graph probably shows the results? A. B. C. D. Water will evaporate! Water level will decrease! Water won’t increase!? Water won’t stay the same. Water won’t increase & decrease!
14. A plant that was kept inside a house all winter was placed outside in full sunlight in the spring. The leaves of this plant soon died, and new leaves grew in their place. The new leaves were greener and thicker. Which hypothesis is best supported by this information? Plants can adapt to their surroundings! Plants don’t learn, don’t have brains…They adapt. Plants change leaves during seasons The sun is the source of weather changes! F Plants can learn to stay healthy. G Plants can adapt to some changes. H Plants can change leaves at any time. J Plants can produce weather changes.
15. Equal masses of paper towel were used to soak up water from a cup. Which question can be answered from the information above? Absorbent – dry, wet, soak up… Not specific. Best could mean thickness, size, cheapest….. Not on chart F Which paper towel is the best buy? G Which paper towel is most absorbent? H Which paper towel is the most colorful? J Which paper towel is safest for the environment?
16. The picture shows the label on a carton of orange juice. Which of these is supported by the information on the label? Orange juice can’t do that! Orange juice provides vitamin C, not removes it Orange juice contains vitamin C F Orange juice turns all vitamins into vitamin C. G Orange juice provides vitamin C to the body. H Orange juice removes vitamin C from the body. J Orange juice causes the body to need vitamin C.
17. The picture shows a bottle of the sunscreen FSC. Which of these statements indicates how well this product helps prevent skin damage? A Great for all outdoor activities B Contains the finest ingredients C Sun protection factor (SPF) 30 D Money-back guarantee Doesn’t prevent skin damage Protects your skin, prevents skin damage
A the amount of light Earth reflects B the land areas of Earth and the moon C how the moon makes a revolution D how Earth and the moon compare in size 18. This model can be used to show how the moon moves around Earth. This model also shows all of the following EXCEPT — There’s no light source in this picture! The continents are land areas The arrows show the moon revolving Earth You can see the moon is smaller
19. Which tools are needed to find how mass affects the distance these boxes will slide? Use the balance for mass. Use the ruler for distance. Don’t need these tools, especially the thermometer! Don’t need the stopwatch! Don’t need the string! A Ramp, thermometer B Balance, ruler C Stopwatch, ruler D Balance, string
20. The pans in this balance are at the same height. According to this information, the mass of the rock sample is — 10 Another math problem! 200 – 30 = gm ??? ? = 200 A 170 grams B 180 grams C 200 grams D 230 grams
21. In the diagram above, the label Z represents — Stays in the plant Not needed for photosynthesis, found in soil Water comes in through roots (not water vapor) Carbon dioxide and sunlight both enter through the leaves Carbon dioxide goes in Oxygen is released A sugar B carbon dioxide C nitrogen D water vapor
A. B. C. D. 22. Which of these best shows the relationship between Earth, the moon, and the sun? Moon orbits Earth, Earth orbits the sun Sun stays in the center! Earth isn’t in center. Sun doesn’t orbit Earth! The moon is NOT in the center! Earth is not in center!
23. Which gas in the air would increase if a large number of trees were cut down? If trees are cut down they couldn’t remove CO 2 from the air! Tree don’t release Nitrogen No trees means they don’t release oxygen for us to breath! Water comes in through the roots. CO 2 If trees were removed… CO 2 Carbon dioxide stays in the air! Trees take in carbon dioxide A Carbon dioxide B Nitrogen C Oxygen D Water vapor
24. Which of these causes day and night on Earth? One rotation takes 24 hours Sun Day Night One orbit around the sun takes 365 days! It takes one month for the moon to orbit the Earth This is an eclipse A Earth orbiting the sun B The moon orbiting Earth C Earth rotating on its axis D The moon blocking sunlight
25. Which part of this life cycle shows the adult organism? A Q B R C S D T The adult lays the eggs! Almost an adult Eggs Shows the stages after eggs hatch
26. Which of these is a good conductor of electricity? F Glass G Metal H Rubber J Plastic All metals conduct electricity! Electricity can travel through metals easily! Insulator, electricity can’t travel through glass Insulator, electricity can’t travel through rubber Insulator, electricity can’t travel through plastic 27. Which of the following can be attracted to a magnet? Iron is magnetic Gold isn’t magnetic Glass isn’t magnetic Wool isn’t magnetic F Gold ring G Glass marble H Iron needle J Wool sock
28. Matter can undergo changes. When water boils, a — F liquid becomes a solid G solid becomes a liquid H liquid becomes a gas J gas becomes a solid Freezing (ice) melting doesn’t happen 29. Carbon powder and iron fillings are both black powders. When mixed together, they look like one black powder. Which of these would be best to use to separate the iron filings from the carbon powder? Iron is magnetic! Won’t separate them Will only make the powders hot Will only float around in the water! F A magnifying glass G Heat H A magnet J Water
30. A company collects cans for recycling. Some cans are made of aluminum, and some are made of iron. Which of the following is the best way to separate the two types of cans? Aluminum is not magnetic so the magnet will only pick up the iron. The aluminum will stay behind! 31. A teaspoon of clean, dry sand is added to a cup of warm saltwater. What is most likely to happen after the mixture is stirred and then placed on a table for five minutes? Sand settles to the bottom Why would the water increase? Salt doesn’t float. It dissolves. There’s no heat source! A Heat the iron cans until they melt B Use scissors to cut the cans C Use a magnet to pick up the iron cans D Float the cans in water A The amount of water will increase. B The salt will float to the top. C The sand will settle to the bottom. D The cup will heat up.
32. In an activity, 20 grams of salt are dissolved in 70 grams of pure water. The water is then heated on a hot plate. When the water evaporates completely, how much salt will be left? Salt doesn’t evaporate. It all stays behind! Salt doesn’t evaporate! You only added 20 gm. Why would you have more salt? A 0 grams B 18 grams C 20 grams D 22 grams
33. Which of the following thermometers shows the boiling point of water in a pan? A. B.C.D. Water boils at 100°C!!! Freezing 120°C = Already boiling! 0°0° 100° 30° 120°
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