Characteristics of Folk Tales 1. Told orally from one generation to generation 2. Usually a happy ending 3. Can involve talking animals 4. Characters go through tests 5. Good is rewarded, evil is punished 6. Justice prevails in the end
Characteristics of Folk tales 7. Usually starts “Once upon a time” 8. The young or weak become stronger 9. Involves a common person 10. Many times involves royalty 11. Many times involves magic 12. types of Folktales, tall tales, legends, fables, and pourquoi
Kinds of Stories 1.Myths/ Pourquoi-classical story created to explain mysteries of the earth Arachne, Orion, 2. Legends- Traditional Story believed to be based on real people and events 3. Tall Tale-humorous story about events that are exaggerated 4. Fairy Tales/fables-teach a moral, talking animals
Rule of 3 In this story there are three pigs and the wolf’s actions are repeated three times “The True Story of the Three Little Pigs” is a parody, it incorporates common folktale patterns, such as the use of the number three. The number three has special significance in many religions and cultures.