What are Landforms?
What are landforms? Landforms are the natural shapes or features called landforms. There are many different types of landforms found on the earth.
mountain A mountain is a landform that rises high above other land areas.
valley A valley is a lowland area that separates mountains and hills.
isthmus A narrow piece of land that joins two larger pieces of land.
plain An area of mostly flat, treeless land.
bay A body of water partly closed in by land.
island An island is land that is completely surrounded by water.
lake A lake is water that is completely surrounded by land.
ocean Oceans are the largest bodies of water on earth.
volcano A cone-shaped opening on the earth’s surface that spews ash, lava, and gas.
archipelago A large group of islands clustered together.
river a large stream of water that empties into another body of water.
mesa A hill or mountain with steep sides and a flat top
glacier A huge mass of ice that moves slowly down a slope or spreads outward over a land surface
strait A narrow flow of water that connects two bigger bodies of water
gulf A large area of an ocean or a sea partly closed in by land. It is usually bigger than a bay.
waterfall A steep fall or flow of water from a high place
hill A raised, rounded landform that is lower than a mountain
sea A large body of salt water that is smaller than an ocean
tributary A river or stream that joins a larger one
cape A pointed piece of land that stretches out into the water It is smaller than a peninsula.
peninsula Land surrounded by water on three sides