PPP Certification Guide & APMG Certified Public-Private Partnerships Professional (CP 3 P) Accreditation A joint initiative by MDBs
Contents 2 I.About the PPP Certification Guide and CP 3 P II.Journey to CP 3 P III.About the delivery partner - APMG International
I.1. Developing PPP Certification Program 3 Innovation of ADB, EBRD, IDB, IsDB, MIF, WBG –Provide steering role and overall guidance on program development and strategy Funded by PPIAF –Funding development of PPP Certification Guide – Body of Knowledge on PPPs Delivered by APMG International −Accredit training organizations to deliver CP 3 P program −Maintain exam infrastructure −Issue CP 3 P credential −Update and translate the Guide
I.2. CP 3 P Objectives 4 Establish a common understanding of PPPs in EMDEs Strengthen capacity among PPP professionals to enable them to plan, prepare and develop well-structured PPPs
I.3. PPP Certification Program website 5 Central point for information on: –Program Overview –Guide download (and acknowledgements) –Exam registration –FAQs –Media and Newsletters –Contacts
I.4. Building the PPP Certification Guide 6 MDB-endorsed encyclopaedic public good on PPPs presenting a collection of good practices structured by PPP life cycle stages –Written by a group of current PPP practitioners with extensive regional and sectoral knowledge –Reviewed by over 80 PPP experts from public, private sector and IFIs –Published online and available for free on program website
I.5. PPP Certification Guide 7
I.6. How can you use the Guide? 8 As a reference to preparing public investment projects –Comparing to international practices –Identifying variances between local and international understanding of PPPs Encyclopedia to all things related to PPPs –Use the volume as a ‘go to’ source –Learn about other cases with similar issues Connection between your specific area of expertise to others working on another step in the PPP cycle –Become a better counterpart
I.7. Target Audience 9
II.1. Journey to CP 3 P: Three exams 10
II.2. PPP Guide & CP 3 P Levels 11 PPP Execution Foundation PPP Preparation Available now
II.3. Foundation Exam 12 Pre-requisite to other two levels of exams in CP 3 P program Tests understanding and knowledge of basic PPP principles and prepares for other two levels of exams Upon passing earn Foundation Certificate –50 multiple choice questions –40 minutes duration –Closed book –50% passing score Format of the PPP Preparation and Execution exams is still being finalized –Available Q1 2017
II.4. What/where do I study? Self-study for Foundation exam –Candidates can study Chapter 1 of the Guide on Program website Free Online training for the Foundation exam –Expected to be available in Q on Program website Classroom training – candidates can attend training courses offered by APMG’s accredited training organisations (ATO) –These fee-based trainings are expected to be available in Q3 2016
II.5. How/where do I take the Foundation exam? APMG’s 24x7 online ProctorU exam; and/or choose an APMG approved Pearson-Vue test centres –Information available on program website Paper-exam or online exam at the Accredited Training Centres (ATOs) locations –These centres are expected to be available in Q3 2016
II.6. I’m an existing PPP user/practitioner, what’s next? Do you have/will have PPP-related Capacity Development activities/programs/ideas? –Have your team use the PPP Certification Guide to ensure alignment with this MDB-endorsed resource –Consistency with international practices Are you interested in the program and earning the designation CP 3 P for yourself? –Take the Foundation level CP 3 P exam
II.7. How can Knowledge Centres and Training Providers get involved? Option 1: Deliver CP 3 P program –Become an Accredited Training Organization (ATO) through APMG International –Right to use the official CP 3 P tagline and branding –Offer a globally branded CP 3 P program and CP 3 P training materials Option 2: Deliver PPP training without becoming accredited (not associated with CP 3 P) –Official CP 3 P tagline and branding cannot be used –Use publicly available PPP Certification Guide to develop PPP course –Offer these training courses to candidates that want to study, learn and practice international PPP knowledge in their workplace
II.8. CP 3 P accredited trainer eligibility criteria −Trainer must be sponsored by an Accredited Training Organisation (ATO) −A minimum of two (2) years’ experience in delivering a 2-3 days training course −At least 5 years relevant experience in the PPP field −Passing the PPP Foundation examination
II.9. CP 3 P accredited Training Centre eligibility criteria 18 −Delivery of at least three training courses within the previous twelve months −Have at least one approved trainer/ facilitator available throughout the delivery of a course −CP 3 P training materials that cover the PPP syllabus −Get accredited by APMG in CP 3 P
III.1. CP 3 P Delivery Partner - APMG International 19
III.2. About APMG International™ 20
Boston, US Ronn Faigen Paris, FR London, UK Qingdao, CN Helen Yu Bangalore, IN Manoj Sethu Canberra, AU Lawrie Kirk Amsterdam, NL Gino Bouwmeester Cologne, DE Stephan Brendel * Kuala Lumpur, MY MK Choong Milan, IT Chiara Mainolfi Madrid, ES & Toronto David Smyth Cape Town, SA Nigel Mercer Sao Paolo, Brazil Priscylla Montiero III.3. APMG International Global Reach Each is responsible for a defined territory Warsaw, PL Sabina Bienecka
III.4. Established trademark in Certification – APMG International 22
III.5. APMG contact points in Asia and Pacific 23 Central Asia (India Office) –Tel: +91 (0) – South Asia (Malaysia Office) –Tel: – China and Hong Kong (China Office) –Tel: +86 (0) – Australasia (Australia Office) –Tel: +61 (0) –
Mr. Clive Harris Practice Manager PPP Unit, World Bank Group Washington, DC Office: Mr. Dennis Blumenfeld PPP Specialist Inter-American Development Bank Washington, DC Office: