Design a boat that can hold the maximum number of passengers using the given materials.
Soya beans Dried peas Plasticine tinfoil container of water
1. Divide pieces of platicine into two equal pieces or cut one piece of tinfoil into two equal pieces. 2. Make two different shapes of boats using the plasticine or tinfoil. 3. Put one boat into the basin of water. 4 Add soya beans or dried peas until the boat sink. Whichever boat held the most was the winner.
use the same amount of plasticine or tinfoil for each boat to ensure it is was a fair test.
: water pushes upwards with a force called upthrust ( you can feel this if you try to push a light object such as a balloon or aero board under water). The shape of a boat affects the weight of the passenger’s or cargo it can hold. The more water the boat can disperse the more weight it can hold.