Whatever Floats Your Boat An Investigation of Mass, Volume, Density, and Buoyancy.
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Asking Questions/Defining Problems Develop and using models Analyzing and Interpreting data Constructing Explanations Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating Information
NGSS Cross Cutting Concepts Cause and Effect Scale Proportion, and Quantity Energy and Matter Structure and Function
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas Structure and Property of Matter
Connections to ELA The students will write what they have learned from the lesson. The students will use cause and effect to see how density affects the boats.
Connections to Technology and Society The students will draw conclusions about real world boat design.
Connections to Mathematics The students will take measurements and work with the Density equation. D= m/V
Connections to Art, Social Science The students will use clay and aluminum to build models of their boats.
Accommodations for individualized or group learning Students will be allowed to use calculators if needed, extended time, modified and restated directions, preferential grouping.
Safety Precautions Monitoring group size, shaping tools for molding and shaping clay.
Materials Required clay, rulers, aluminum foil, graduate cylinders, spoons, shaping tools, plastic tubs, washers, aluminum block, density spheres, clear tub, calculators, scales, and water