ARCTAS in relation to ISDAC Phil Russell, NASA Ames With B-200 contributions from : Rich Ferrare & Chris Hostetler ISDAC Science Team Meeting Ottawa, Canada Feb 2008 P-3 B-200
ARCTAS strategy for enabling exploitation of NASA satellite data to improve understanding of arctic atmospheric composition and climate* *Source: ARCTAS White Paper ** **+ clouds & radiation **
B-200 P-3 B-200 P-3 Now it’s time to get more specific!
P-3B in ARCTAS Overall Goal: Contribute measurements and analyses that address the scientific questions posed by ARCTAS’s - Theme 3: Aerosol Radiative Forcing (including indirect aerosol forcing via clouds) - Theme 2: Boreal Forest Fires while also contributing to ARCTAS’s: -Theme 1, Long-Range Transport of Pollution to the Arctic, -Theme 4, Chemical Processes. With its ARCTAS payload, the P-3 provides a common platform for linking variations in atmospheric radiation to microphysics and chemistry of aerosol as needed for reliable interpretations of satellite inversions and refining model products. This is essential for climate forcing assessment in terms of emissions and or mitigation strategies.
More specifically, we plan to address the following joint POLARCAT-ARCTAS objectives: Determine the vertical layering of Arctic pollution, associated optical properties and the related physiochemistry of Arctic aerosol. P-3B in ARCTAS-Spring Characterize the direct radiative effects within pollution layers in the Arctic. Investigate the size resolved properties of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and interactions of aerosols with clouds and their impact on radiative forcing. Measure BRDF & albedo of snow, ice & other surfaces and compare those measurements to any available surface-based measurements of snow albedo/reflectance as affected by deposition of black carbon. Validate aerosol, trace gas, and cloud products of space observations from polar orbital satellites.
P-3 in ARCTAS: Payload Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometer (AATS-14) Solar Spectral Flux Radiometer (SSFR) Broad-Band Radiometers (BBR) LW SW HiGEAR Aerosols OPC & DMA dry size dist, volatility Tandem Volatility DMA Neph scat + PSAP abs Humidified Neph f(RH) Ultrafine & CN Time of Flight Mass Spec size resolved chemistry SP2 black carbon mass AERO3XCloud Absorption Radiometer (CAR) P-3 Data System (PDS): Nav, Flight, Met (P, T, RH, …) REVEAL AOD Ext H 2 O vapor Cavity Ringdown ext (2 ) Reciprocal Neph sca (2, RH ) Radiance, BRDF Flux ↑, ↓ ( ), albedo( ) Flux ↑, ↓, albedo Nenes CCN PVM cloud drop r eff, vol TECO O 3 RecentlyAdded: COBALT CO
P-3 in ARCTAS: Instrument Layout
Expected P-3 Flight Patterns for Aerosol-Cloud- Radiation Goals in ARCTAS B-200 P-3
Extremely laminar transport Sloping thin layers Strong gradients vertically & horizontally Frequently decoupled surface layer (relevance of surface statistics?) Highest concentrations may be aloft Diamond dust and stratus near surface 40 km Vertical Structure of Arctic Haze Chuck Brock, NOAA ESRL NASA-GISS 2007 Lidar image in April 1986: Treffeisen et al. SAGE II observations suggest maximum vertical extent in March-April.
Many P-3 scientific instruments measure sunlight, which is strongly influenced by clouds. Hence, P-3 flight patterns are cloud-sensitive: many seek to avoid clouds, while others seek to fly near & above certain types of clouds. Because clouds can change quickly and are difficult to predict, P-3 flight plans usually require flexibility to change in response to clouds. The scientific goals of the P-3 require flights containing the basic elements or patterns shown below. (1)Survey Vertical Profile. (2) Minimum-Altitude Transect. (3) Parking Garage (Stepped Profile with legs of 3-15* minutes). (3') Parking Garage with CAR Maneuvers. (4) Above-Cloud Transect. (4') Above-Cloud CAR Maneuver. *15 min for in situ samples MODIS,MISR/Terra P-3 B-200
P-3 Flights—Operational Overview 9 Science Flights (72 hrs) from Fairbanks and/or Thule (1-21 April 2008) 3 Science Flights (25 hrs) from Palmdale, CA + 8 Science Flights (64 hrs) from Cold Lake, Alberta (20 June-14 Jul 2008) Typical flight duration: 3-8 hours All or most science flight hours during daylight. Nominal takeoff between 6 AM and 4 PM local. Fly 7 days/week. "Parking Garage" pattern is a stepped profile with ramped legs linking horizontal legs, each 3-15* minutes long. Ascent & descent rates <1000 ft/min in spirals & parking garages Timing is critical on flights coordinated with satellite overpasses and with other aircraft (NASA B-200 & DC-8, NOAA P-3, ISDAC CV-580). *15 minutes for in situ sample
P-3 Typical Flight Plans This is a collection of preliminary flight plans for P-3 operations out of Fairbanks, Thule, Cold Lake, and/or Palmdale during the Spring and Summer 2008 ARCTAS campaign. Note: These drafts are intended to initiate negotiations with air traffic controllers on final flight plans that will accomplish as many of our scientific objectives as possible within the constraints of their air- traffic control system. These plans may not include all flight scenarios; parts of them may be combined but in general they would be shortened rather than lengthened for actual operations.
P-3 Flight 1: Transit, Wallops-Yellowknife Profile at Yellowknife? Yellowknife Wallops Fairbanks Barrow
P-3 Flight 2: Transit, Yellowknife-Fairbanks Profile at Fairbanks? Yellowknife Fairbanks Barrow
P-3 Flight 5: Fairbanks-Barrow-Fairbanks. Underfly A-Train and/or Terra near Barrow. Gradient legs and/or parking garage near Barrow Possible coordination with DC-8 and/or B-200 near Fairbanks or Barrow. Fairbanks Barrow
P-3 Surface Albedo Maneuvers at Barrow-Elson Lagoon CAR circle, 1 mi radius Spiral 3.8 mi radius
P-3 Flight 4: Fairbanks-Barrow-Thule. Underfly A-Train and/or Terra near Barrow or Thule. Possible coordination with DC-8 near Fairbanks, Barrow or Thule, and/or with B-200 near Barrow or Fairbanks. Thule Fairbanks Barrow
ICEALOT Cruise, 17 March-28 April 2008
P-3 Flight 2: Thule-Alert-Ship. Underfly A-Train near Alert or ship. Possible coordination with DC-8 near Alert and/or ship. Thule Alert Ship
P-3 Flight 3: Thule-Alert-Eureka-Fairbanks. Underfly A-Train and/or Terra near Alert, Eureka, or Fairbanks. Possible coordination with DC-8 near Alert or Eureka. Possible coordination with DC-8 and/or B-200 near Fairbanks and/or Barrow. Thule Alert Fairbanks Eureka
P-3 Flight 3B: Thule-Resolute Bay-Barrow-Fairbanks. Underfly A-Train and/or Terra near Resolute Bay, Barrow or Fairbanks. Possible coordination with DC-8 and/or B-200 near Barrow or Fairbanks. Thule Resolute Bay Fairbanks Barrow
Deployment of LaRC Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) for ARCTAS (Ferrare, Hostetler, Hair) Objectives Characterize the vertical and horizontal distribution of aerosols and aerosol optical properties Map and partition aerosol by type Evaluate/validate CALIPSO aerosol measurements Evaluate/validate high-latitude satellite aerosol measurements Evaluate/validate MISR retrievals of boreal fire smoke plume heights Investigate new active+passive (lidar+radiometer) aerosol retrieval techniques Provide vertical context for in situ measurements of aerosols and trace gases Assess aerosol model transport simulations. Characterize the PBL height and distribution of aerosols within and above PBL Support DOE ARM ISDAC and NOAA ARCPAC missions HSRL Data Products RSP Derived Products Aerosols Optical Depth Location & width of bimodal size distr. Refractive Index Clouds Optical Depth Effective Radius, variance Liquid water path Cloud Drop Number HSRL Digital Camera Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) (Summer Only)
Spring −goal is to operate from Barrow −for King Air flights planning to land in Barrow, flights must land in Barrow with at least 3 hours worth of fuel remaining on board in case diversion to Fairbanks is required; this should permit hours to address science objectives. −anticipate some flights out of Fairbanks and perhaps Anchorage as warranted by conditions and joint operations with other aircraft Summer −goal is to operate from Yellowknife −anticipate some flights out of Cold Lake and elsewhere as warranted by conditions (e.g. smoke), logistics, and joint operations with other aircraft Most if not all flights during daylight Must have one hard down day during a span of 7 days In general, flights to be coordinated with other aircraft (NASA and NOAA P-3, DC-8, DOE ARM ISDAC Convair) and/or with satellite overpasses Platform (NASA King Air B200) kft (~9 km) nominal flight altitude Spring and Summer (~80 hours each; ~30-40 hours in transit) Aircraft Speed ~ knots Aircraft Duration 4-6 hours depending on payload Deployment of LaRC Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) for ARCTAS (Ferrare, Hostetler, Hair)
Aircraft Coordination for Interdisciplinary Science
The following examples are in terms of Flight Modules Because: The P-3, DC-8, & CV-580 have long flight durations Coordinated flight patterns will only be part of any given flight It’s usually easier to coordinate early in a flight than later
Partly cloudy, Module 1 Science objectivesP-3 instruments involved Coord instruments w/ other aircraft Coordination with satellite instruments -Study AOD in vicinity of clouds (aerosol-cloud sep.) -Aerosol indirect effect -Compare RSP+SSFR cloud retrievals AATS, SSFR, HiGEAR, AERO3X B-200: HSRL+RSPCALIPSO: CALIOP Aqua: MODIS PARASOL: POLDER Aura: OMI, TES
Increases in total aerosol number measured by PCASP instrument on G-1 suggests penetration of plume from Oklahoma City However, coincident HSRL aerosol backscatter measurements show these aerosol number variations are due to G-1 flying in and out of PBL rather than Oklahoma City plume Slide courtesy of Carl Berkowitz (PNNL) June 23, 2007 DOE CHAPS Mission G-1 In situ Measurements G-1 Flight Altitude Coordinated B200/HSRL - Airborne in situ Measurements Ex. DOE CHAPS – June 2007
Partly cloudy, Module 1 Science objectivesP-3 instruments involved Coord with instruments on other aircraft Coordination with satellite instruments -Study AOD in vicinity of clouds (aerosol-cloud sep.) -Aerosol indirect effect -Compare RSP+SSFR cloud retrievals with in-cloud meas AATS, SSFR, HiGEAR, AERO3X B-200: HSRL+RSP CV-580: In situ CALIPSO: CALIOP Aqua: MODIS PARASOL: POLDER Aura: OMI, TES Add CV-580 for below- cloud aerosol & within-cloud measurements
Cloudy, Module 1 Science objectivesP-3 instruments involved Coordination with instruments on other aircraft Coordination with satellite-instruments -Compare RSP+SSFR cloud retrievals with in-cloud measurements -Aerosol above clouds AATS, SSFR, BBR, HiGEAR, AERO3X, CAR B-200: HSRL+RSP CV-580: In situ Aqua: MODIS PARASOL: POLDER Aura: OMI, TES Add CV-580 for below- cloud aerosol & within-cloud measurements
Clear sky, Module 1 Science objectivesP-3 instruments involved Coord instruments w/ other aircraft Coordination with satellite- instruments -Find AOD+flux gradients -Compare HSRL, AATS, HiGEAR, AERO3X, CALIPSO ext. profiles -Compare RSP retrievals to AATS AOD & HiGEAR/AERO3X properties AATS, SSFR, BBR, HiGEAR, AERO3X, CAR B-200: HSRL+RSPCALIPSO: CALIOP Aqua: MODIS PARASOL: POLDER Aura: OMI, TES Terra: MISR, MODIS CALIPSO P-3 B-200
Clear sky, Module 2 Science objectivesP-3 instruments Involved Coord instruments w/ other aircraft Coordination with satellite- instruments -Find AOD+flux gradients -Compare HSRL, AATS, HiGEAR, AERO3X, CALIPSO ext. profiles -Compare DC-8 & B-200 backscat profiles -Compare DC-8 & P-3 in situ AATS, SSFR, BBR, HiGEAR, AERO3X, CAR B-200: HSRL+RSP DC-8: Lidar + in situ CALIPSO: CALIOP Aqua: MODIS PARASOL: POLDER Aura: OMI, TES Terra: MISR, MODIS (1)Compare DC-8 & B-200 lidar profiles (+ CALIPSO if available) (2) Nested spirals give comparisons of DC-8 in situ to - P-3 in situ - AATS & HSRL ext
P. Russell, Earth Science Seminar, NASA Ames, 19 July 2007 Remaining slides are backup End of Presentation
ARCTAS in relation to ISDAC Phil Russell, NASA Ames With B-200 contributions from : Rich Ferrare & Chris Hostetler ISDAC Science Team Meeting Ottawa, Canada Feb 2008 P-3 B-200
ARCTAS strategy for enabling exploitation of NASA satellite data to improve understanding of arctic atmospheric composition and climate* *Source: ARCTAS White Paper ** **+ clouds & radiation
ARCTAS strategy for enabling exploitation of NASA satellite data to improve understanding of arctic atmospheric composition and climate* *Source: ARCTAS White Paper ** **+ clouds & radiation
Clear sky, Module 3 Science objectivesP-3 instruments involved Coord with instruments on other aircraft Coordination with satellite-instruments -SSFR+AATS flux divergence for aerosol absorption compared to HiGEAR, AERO3X in situ AATS, SSFR, BBR, HiGEAR, AERO3X, CAR B-200: HSRL+RSPAqua: MODIS (possibly in-glint) PARASOL: POLDER Aura: OMI, TES
Motivations for Coordinated Flight Plans Questions that ARCTAS and POLARCAT address involve measurements that are on different A/C. Some objectives require concurrent measurements with diverse platforms. Similar measurements on different platforms need intercomparisons to confirm a common data set. Scientific return and a broader spatial and temporal context are enhanced through coordinating A/C with satellite overpasses and/or surface sites.
Example Science Question How does Arctic aerosol radiative forcing efficiency relate to aerosol particle size distribution, composition (including water content, ionic, organic), & mixing state (internal, external)?
Science Question(s) How do Arctic aerosol, cloud and surface properties important to radiation and remote sensing relate to aerosol physiochemical properties and history? Examples of properties important to radiation and remote sensing - Aerosol radiative forcing efficiency [P-3] - Cloud albedo, optical depth and droplet size [P-3] - Surface reflectance and albedo [P-3] - Aerosol extinction-to-backscatter ratio [B-200] - Aerosol SSA( ) & absorption Angstrom exponent [P-3] Examples of aerosol physiochemical properties and history - Aerosol particle size distribution [P-3, DC-8, B-200] - Aerosol composition (including water content) [P-3, DC-8] - Aerosol particle shape [B-200, others?] - Gas-phase tracers, precursors & trajectories (sources) [DC-8]
Validate aerosol, water vapor, ozone, and cloud products of space observations from polar orbital satellites. (For all objectives below, this objective will tend to drive the location of flight legs to subsatellite paths.) Determine the vertical layering of Arctic pollution, associated optical properties and the related physiochemistry of Arctic aerosol. - DC-8, NOAA P-3 P-3B & B-200 in ARCTAS-Spring objectives & Required/Desired Resources Characterize the direct radiative effects within pollution layers in the Arctic. - NOAA P-3 Investigate the size resolved properties of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and interactions of aerosols with clouds and their impact on radiative forcing. - CV-580, NOAA P-3, DC-8 Measure BRDF & albedo of snow, ice & other surfaces and compare those measurements to any available surface-based measurements of snow albedo/reflectance as affected by deposition of black carbon from anthropogenic and biomass burning sources. - Black carbon, ground meas: Elson Lagoon/Barrow (13-20 April) Compare A/C & surface meas: Barrow (ARM NSA), ship, AERONET, Eureka lidar…
Extremely laminar transport Sloping thin layers Strong gradients vertically & horizontally Frequently decoupled surface layer (relevance of surface statistics?) Highest concentrations may be aloft Diamond dust and stratus near surface 40 km Vertical Structure of Arctic Haze Chuck Brock, NOAA ESRL NASA-GISS 2007 Lidar image in April 1986: Treffeisen et al. SAGE II observations suggest maximum vertical extent in March-April.
P. Russell, Earth Science Seminar, NASA Ames, 19 July 2007 Downwelling Flux: F Upwelling Flux: F Net Flux: F - F Flux Divergence (absorption): (F - F ) 2000m - (F - F ) 43m Fractional absorption: [(F - F ) 2000m - (F - F ) 43m ]/ F 2000m 2000 m 43 m Background on Radiative Flux Divergence & Closure, Absorption Spectra, etc.
P. Russell, Earth Science Seminar, NASA Ames, 19 July 2007 Pilewskie, Bergstrom, Schmid et al.
P. Russell, Earth Science Seminar, NASA Ames, 19 July 2007 Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo Spectrum Derived from measured flux and AOD spectra. Desirable features: Wavelength, nm Single scattering albedo [Bergstrom, Pilewskie, Schmid et al., JGR 2004] 12 April 2001, ACE-Asia Describes aerosol in its ambient state (incl volatiles like water, organics, nitrates) Wide range: UV-Vis- SWIR Includes range of OMI- UV, OMI-MW, MISR, MODIS, CALIPSO, HSRL, Glory ASP, RSP, POLDER, … Coalbedo (1-SSA) varies by factor 4, = nm
P. Russell, Earth Science Seminar, NASA Ames, 19 July 2007 SSA Spectra from 4 Experiments Wavelength, nm Single Scattering Albedo Bergstrom et al., ACP, 2007
P. Russell, Earth Science Seminar, NASA Ames, 19 July 2007 Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth (AAOD) Spectra from 5 Experiments Wavelength, nm Absorption Optical Depth Bergstrom et al., ACP, 2007 AAOD = K -AAE AbsorptionAngstrom Exponent (AAE) AAE = For Black Carbon, AAE = 1
P. Russell, Earth Science Seminar, NASA Ames, 19 July 2007 Wavelength dependence of absorption over Mexico is linked to both the organic carbon component (AMS - J, Jimenez, P. DeCarlo) and dust. Model and remote sensing implications for SSA etc. Trend due to OC mass fraction Shortwave Enhancement due to dust { Dust Pollution Expected value for pure BC Aerosol Optics Shinozuka, Clarke et al., 2007
Clear sky, Module 3 Science objectivesP-3 instruments involved Coord instruments w/ other aircraft Coordination with satellite-instruments -SSFR+AATS flux divergence for aerosol absorption compared to HiGEAR, AERO3X in situ AATS, SSFR, BBR, HiGEAR, AERO3X, CAR B-200: HSRL+RSPAqua: MODIS (possibly in-glint) PARASOL: POLDER Aura: OMI, TES
Radiative Flux Closure with In Situ Science objectivesP-3 instruments involved Coord with instruments on other aircraft Coordination with satellite-instruments -Radiative flux divergence for closure & aerosol absorption (compare abs to HiGEAR & AERO3X in situ, + DC- 8 in situ) AATS, SSFR, BBR, HiGEAR, AERO3X B-200: HSRL + RSP DC-8: in situ + lidar NOAA P-3: SSFR + BBR +? Aura: OMI, TES Terra: MISR Aqua: MODIS (possibly in glint) PARASOL: POLDER (1)Compare NASA & NOAA P-3 SSFRs & BBRs, NASA P-3 & DC-8 in situ (2) Flux divergence by 2 P-3s while DC-8 samples within layer & B-200 profiles from above. (3) P-3 spiral in HSRL curtain gives 4-way extinction comparison (HSRL, AATS, HiGEAR, AERO3X) (4) Flux divergence with 2 P- 3s in swapped positions Caveat: Only Summer smoke may have large enough AOD
Partly cloudy, Module 1 Science objectivesP-3 instruments involved Coord with instruments on other aircraft Coordination with satellite instruments -Study AOD in vicinity of clouds (aerosol-cloud sep.) -Aerosol indirect effect -Compare RSP+SSFR cloud retrievals AATS, SSFR, HiGEAR, AERO3X B-200: HSRL+RSP DC-8: In situ CALIPSO: CALIOP Aqua: MODIS PARASOL: POLDER Aura: OMI, TES Add DC-8 for below- cloud aerosol & within-cloud measurements
Cloudy, Module 1 Science objectivesP-3 instruments involved Coordination with instruments on other aircraft Coordination with satellite-instruments -Compare RSP+SSFR cloud retrievals -Aerosol above clouds AATS, SSFR, BBR, HiGEAR, AERO3X, CAR B-200: HSRL+RSP DC-8: In situ Aqua: MODIS PARASOL: POLDER Aura: OMI, TES Add DC-8 for below- cloud aerosol & within-cloud measurements
Clear sky, Module 2 Science objectivesP-3 instruments involved Coord with instruments on other aircraft Coordination with satellite-instruments -MISR local mode val. -Closure AATS+SSFR vs. DC-8 in situ -Compare HSRL+AATS+HiGEAR+AERO3X+C ALIPSO ext. AATS, SSFR, HiGEAR, AERO3X, CAR B-200: HSRL+RSP DC-8: in situ + lidar Terra: MISR, MODIS CALIPSO A-Train CALIPSO
The A-Train is a set of satellites that fly in sequence Many P-3 flights will include legs or profiles under the A-Train or other satellites
Extinction; AOT (532 nm)Depolarization (532 nm) Extinction/Backscatter Ratio (532 nm ) Backscatter Dependence (1064/532 nm) Coordinated B200/HSRL - Airborne in situ Measurements Ex. INTEX-B/MILAGRO/MAX-Mex – March 2006 HSRL data provide vertical context for in situ data HSRL and G-1 measurements show changes associated with Mexico City pollution East side of MC basin –Low depolarization, high extinction/backscatter ratio: urban pollution West side of MC basin –High depolarization, low aerosol/extinction ratio: dust G-1 Flight Altitude
ARCTAS in relation to ISDAC Phil Russell, NASA Ames With B-200 contributions from : Rich Ferrare & Chris Hostetler ISDAC Science Team Meeting Ottawa, Canada Feb 2008 P-3 B-200
Expected P-3 Flight Patterns for Aerosol-Cloud- Radiation Goals in ARCTAS B-200 P-3
Cloudy, Module 1 Science objectivesP-3 instruments involved Coordination with instruments on other aircraft Coordination with satellite-instruments -Compare RSP+SSFR cloud retrievals -Aerosol above clouds AATS, SSFR, BBR, HiGEAR, AERO3X, CAR B-200: HSRL+RSPAqua: MODIS PARASOL: POLDER Aura: OMI, TES
P-3 Surface Albedo Maneuvers at Barrow-Elson Lagoon Barrow Spiral 3.8 mi radius CAR circle, 1 mi radius