Presented by Rob Till, Chair UAC Craig Bain, Chair UCC Bruce Fox, Chair LSC & member of UAC Niranjan Venkatraman, member UGC & UAC 1 3/10/14
PROCESS Summer 2013: Curriculum & Assessment Work Group Two “Rounds” of Feedback (beginning Sept. 2013) 1. Faculty Senate Committees and Academic Leadership Committees 2. Faculty Senate Committees and College Curriculum Committees Purpose of proposal: To articulate (or set) Degree Program Expectations for Curriculum & Assessment Modify curriculum and assessment processes to support and sustain expectations Obtain support from academic leaders for degree programs and curriculum and assessment processes 2
Strengths of the proposal: Formal adoption of expectations Connection of curriculum & assessment Alignment of curriculum & assessment processes Incorporation of Expectations into the Academic Program Review process Satisfy requirements of NAU’s regional accreditor (Higher Learning Commission) 3
Two Rounds of Revisions Addressed the following Areas of Concern: Implementation: Extended implementation timeline Workload: Implementation Committee will identify needs of departments and committees, and develop approaches to provide support Continuous Course Improvement Documents: removed from the proposal Perceived duplication of reporting requirements: Implementation Committee will work to ensure there is no duplication in reporting requirements. Perceived limitations on curricular design: Expectations focus on ensuring intentional planning of curriculum to achieve the best learning outcomes for students. 4
REVISED PROPOSAL Expectations for Degree Program Curriculum will frame the development, approval, and review of curricula. Modifications to curriculum and assessment committees Request of support to academic leaders Details 5
Expectations for Degree Program Curriculum Mission and Purpose of a Degree Program * Degree Program Student Learning Outcomes * Curriculum Design with a Curriculum Map Strategic Course Learning Design which supports Degree Program Student Learning Outcomes Systematic Assessment of Degree Program Student Learning Outcomes * Use of Assessment Findings for Continual Improvement * * Already required as part of current policies 6
Re-structured Curriculum/Assessment Committees 7 University Curriculum & Assessment Council Faculty Members Degree Programs (Chairs, Academic Unit Leaders, Etc.) College Curriculum &Assessment Processes And Deans *University Graduate Committee *Liberal Studies Committee *University Curriculum Committee *Extended Campuses Curriculum Committee
Charge to Academic Leaders 1. Identifying and providing support and training to all committees and committee members 2. Identifying and providing support to degree programs: to prepare for their Academic Program Reviews and to implement their Action Plans following the Academic Program Review process 3. Examining the extent to which degree programs achieve faculty-driven curricular expectations 8
The proposal being set forth for a Faculty Senate vote on May 5 includes: The Degree Program Expectations for Curriculum and Assessment The proposed modifications to curriculum and assessment processes The charge to academic leaders to support degree programs in achieving the goals of this proposal 9