Request Final Acceptance of Contract No for the work associated with the WUT Crane Power Modifications, Project No. E8023. Final Acceptance WUT Crane Power Modifications
PORT OF TACOMA On August 27, 2007, Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) notified the Port of its commitment to bring 3 additional cranes to WUT. On April 3, 2008, the Commission authorized an increase in the design consultant’s scope of work to include the design for providing 13.8 kV power to the existing wharf including bid support and construction support services. Background WUT Crane Power Modifications
PORT OF TACOMA [Add photo/drawings as pertinent to explain location/background.] N WUT Crane Power Modifications Blair Waterway Blair Terminal Port of Tacoma Road Washington United Terminals Substation 4
PORT OF TACOMA Installation of switch gear in Substation 4. Installation of conduit and conductors to provide 13.8 kV power to three locations on the existing WUT wharf. Installation of 2 new vaults. Replacement of an 480v crane maintenance receptacle on the existing wharf. Scope of Work WUT Crane Power Modifications
[Add construction photos depicting scope of work and final product.] Photographs WUT Crane Power Modifications
ItemCost Original Contract Amount$1,082, (7) Change Orders (-0.54%)-$6, Washington State Sales Tax$95, Total Contract Amount$1,171, Contract Cost Summary WUT Crane Power Modifications
PORT OF TACOMA ItemCost Unforeseen Conditions (0.01%) $ Design Changes (1.21%)$13, Port Requested Changes (2.68%) $29, Quantity Variations (-4.54%)-$49, Total Change Orders-$6, Change Order Summary WUT Crane Power Modifications
PORT OF TACOMA Washington State (6.5% of total) $69, City of Tacoma (1.0% of total)$10, Public Transit (0.9% of total)$9, Regional Transit (0.4% and 0.9% of total) $5, Washington State Sales Tax (8.8% and 9.3% of total) $95, Sales Tax Disposition WUT Crane Power Modifications
PORT OF TACOMA ItemCost Contract No $1,075,694 Sales Tax for Contract No $95,464 Consultant Services$209,645 Port of Tacoma Staff$129,492 Permitting$3,150 Materials Testing and Inspection $7,418 Miscellaneous Charges$1,587 Purchase Orders$51,580 Total Project Cost$1,574,030 Project Cost Summary WUT Crane Power Modifications
PORT OF TACOMA The 2009 Program Budget, Planned Category, Container Terminal Line of Business, Hyundai Merchant Marine Terminal Program, allocates $1,900,000 for this project. Source of Funds WUT Crane Power Modifications
PORT OF TACOMA Request Final Acceptance of Contract No , with Marles Corporation dba Amaya Electric in the amount of $1,075,693.88, plus tax, for the work associated with the WUT Crane Power Modifications, Project No. E8023. Conclusion WUT Crane Power Modifications