Installation and Commisioning SE view point Romuald Duperrier ESS SE manager
Terms and definitions [ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288/15289] Installation > Integration: Assemble the implemented system elements. Interface are indentified and activated to enable interoperations. Enabling systems to facilitate interoperations are included. Commissioning > Verification : Activity to provide objective evidence that the system fulfils its specified requirements. Identify anomalies and necessary information to resolve them. 2
Funding profile and facility lifecycle 3 Design phase Procurement and Installation phase Procurement and Installation phase Commissioning phase Decommissioning phase Operation phase PDR TRR ORRSAR Construction Steady state Operations Decommissioning First Beam on target Handover to Operations Start of user programme 2065 Initial Ops 2011 Integration and Verification phase Validation phase Pre construction 2019
SEMP: Integration planning The equipment and/or software products to be integrated referred by their PBS Id. Integration strategy, each step. Supporting human resources (quantity and nature). The location of the activities, Any support equipment (special software, test hardware, and drivers to simulate yet-to-be-integrated software components, external systems e.g. tooling) needed for this integration step. Consumables. A description of the verification activities that occur after integration step (not in detail but traceability to the Verification Plan content must be unambiguous). The responsible parties for each activity in the integration step. The schedule for each activity Template is ESS
SEMP: Verification planning The Verification Plan identifies the specific verification cases to be performed. A complete list of the requirements to be verified called in by their Id and traced to the corresponding verification case. Any data to be recorded or noted during the verification, such as expected results of a verification step. A statement of the pass/fail criteria. This may be just a statement that the system operates per the requirements, A description of the verification configuration. That is a list of the hardware and software items needed for the test and how they should be connected/calibrated. Consumables. A list of any other important assumptions and constraints necessary for conduct of the verification case. A schedule of the activity. 5
Verification plan template [ESS ] 6
Verification report template [ESS ] 7
Recommendations (1/2) A large effort has been undertaken to developing requirements. This is the best way to prepare installation and commissioning. It is important to define further the corresponding verification activities (inspection, test, analysis, demonstration) and related integration activities. Verification is performed bottom-up at different levels of the PBS, escalation is supported by the integration activities. Let’s do the best use of our ESS breakdown structure for supporting the definition of the intermediate assemblies. 8
Recommendations (2/2) From the plans: – Identify risks (including safety) – Identify new requirements to facilate the performance of the plans. – Identify needs for training (cost and delays) – Identify needs for work permits (interface and delays) – Identify interfaces to other parties for anticipating concurrent activities (e.g. crane usage). Do consider enabling systems as a resource in the plan to detect double booking (room, tools). 9